Big Pharma : Paying For 30,000 Doctor Events Per Year In Australia!

According to Bond University research fellow Ray Moynihan "there are something like 30,000 events a year in Australia alone where the drug companies are paying for the meals and alcohol of Australian doctors"!

  • This equates to 82 events per day across Australia!

  • The 2011 Australian Census of Population showed that there were 70,200 medical practitioners working in Australia. This equates to 2.34 events per Australian doctor per year!

  • To me this is a clear conflict of interest... I can think no other word for this except: CORRUPTION!

What do you think? - All comments will be gratefully appreciated!


Big Questions?

There are several key questions that need to be raised here:

  1. Why are drug (pharmaceutical) companies paying for Australian doctor's to enjoy themselves without disclosing their incentives or costs?
  2. Why does this "gratuity" need to be undisclosed?
  3. What is the return on investment for the pharmaceutical companies to spend all this money on doctorst?


I want to add a second post on this topic mañana!

I will add further details concerning how this is process is being implemented. There are new laws being proposed in Australia to address this blatant conflict of interest - but they leave glaring loopholes to circumvent these new measures.

I will also ask some searching questions on the moral dilemma posed by this saddening scenario!

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