My beautiful twin nieces were born in Victoria, Australia and the push towards vaccination began immediately! I know this topic will incite debate. I encourage that. The more we discuss the more we understand!
The one thing I am certain of is that the vast majority of parents only want the best for their children and I hope that increased discussion on vaccinations can assist that process!
Not uncommon for twins, the girls were delivered prematurely through cesarean section and were in postnatal care before being released home.
The day of their predicted natural birth the local district nurse arrived at their house to vaccinate them. My first question was:
“What are they being vaccinated for at such an early point in their lives?”
These two beautiful healthy twin girls were vaccinated for Hepatitis B!
What is Hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver contracted by contact with the blood and/or body fluids of an infected person.
Hepatitis B is contracted through:
• Sex with an infected person without using a condom
• Sharing needles with an infected person
• Getting a tattoo or piercing with unsterilised tools
As I know neither of their parents are intravenous drug users and my nieces will not be having sex or getting tattoos for many years to come, I wonder what the logic is behind vaccinating them for Hepatitis B at such an early age?
Would it not be better to wait until an age when they may need it and their immune systems are fully formed to get a Hepatitis B vaccination?
Corruption In High Places?
My direct experience with corruption in the medical industry has lead me to believe that the insidious effects of money have subverted our Government agencies in favour of profits for the Pharmaceutical industry. This process has clearly restricted the flow of truthful information on this subject.
It seems clear that there are very legitimate health concerns regarding mercury in vaccines and the link between vaccines and autism.
My perspective on the medical industry was formed through my own involvement in corruption of Doctors paid for by the Pharmaceutical industry and condoned by the Government. I have documented this process in my post:
This short video shows Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discussing Mercury in Vaccines, the connection with Autism and corruption between the Pharmaceutical industry and Government in the USA. His description of the reasons behind the growth in vaccines since the 1980s is particularly interesting (1:48).
The Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule
Currently in Australia the path to complete vaccination is a lifelong one. Below is a chart describing the process of the Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule between birth and 79 years.
I apologise in advance for how long the list is but that is beyond my control and part of the point I am trying to make!

The source for these images can be found at this link.
To my eyes this chart seems to say that by 1 year an Australian child should have received 32 vaccines injected into their developing bodies!
Government Penalties For Unvaccinated Children In Australia
The drive towards vaccinating everyone in Australia is having some negative and potentially debilitating consequences for families who do not wish to vaccinate their children.
- Denial Of Access To Medical Treatment - "No Jab, No Treatment"
According to ABC News Australia 'Some unvaccinated Australian children are being turned away for medical treatment because their immunisation is not up-to-date.'
Although I applaud Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital's statement that:
"At the Royal Children's Hospital we are clear in our position that all children have equal rights to access health care, regardless of their vaccination status.
- Good on ya RMCH for taking the only ethical standpoint!
- Denial Of Access To Preschool & Daycare Centres - "No Jab, No Play"
A New Scientist article describes the policy of "No jab, no play. So says the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, who has announced a proposal to bar unvaccinated children from attending preschools and daycare centres. Currently, 93 per cent of Australian children receive the standard childhood vaccinations, including those for measles, mumps and rubella, but the government wants to lift this to 95 per cent. "
- Denial Of Social Welfare Benefits To Families With Unvaccinated Children - "No Jab, No Money"
The Daily Telegraph in Australia reported that "Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Social Services Minister Scott Morrison announced historic reforms, which mean parents who fail to immunise their children will no longer be paid the $200-a-week childcare benefit, the $7500-a-year childcare rebate or the $726 Family Tax Benefit A annual supplement. The combined childcare and welfare payments at risk could amount to up to $30,000 a year for a family with two young children."
Does this imply that only families who do not require economic assistance from the Government and can afford private schools and medical treatments will be able to make a choice about vaccinating their children?
What Are The Alternatives?
In the community I live in on Bali none of the children have ever been vaccinated. The parents of these children are well travelled and educated and do not believe that vaccinations create a positive heath benefit for the bodies of their young children.
All of these beautiful children and young adults are healthy, happy and extremely intelligent!
These young people are living proof to me that it is possible to have a healthy life without vaccines!
My perspective...
If vaccinations are effective then the children in schools who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear from the children who are not vaccinated - problem solved?
I myself had vaccinations when I was a child but no where near the number that are currently being dished out to children in the West. Many times in my life I have cut myself on rusty metal and received Tetanus boosters. I can see that there are times when vaccinations may be of benefit.
Vaccinations cost money so who pays? I am very keen to discover the mechanism of payment through which profits for big Pharmaceutical companies are generated by public vaccinations in Australia. Any insights you may have will be greatly appreciated!
Further Information
Further interesting information on the vaccination debate can be found in this Youtube video with the makers of the film Vaxxed.
Credit Youtube