# 2 Once You Go QUACK, You Never Go BACK! 2 minute video bonus ~ see our ducks and pen!

Not only do pastry chefs seek duck eggs, but we should too! As homesteaders, we think chicken....right... well, maybe not! You may want to reconsider as chicken eggs are acidic and duck eggs are more alkaline. In cancer prevention and just overall good health, our goal is to keep the body alkaline.

For this, duck eggs are just the trick! A duck's diet is a bit different than the chickens and this results in a more nutritious egg. Ducks eat more greens than chickens and offer up an egg much higher in B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids

Our ducks below:

Another tidbit as you fellow chicken owners would know, is that chickens can tear up the yard with all that scratching and digging! Ducks are much easier on your garden!...No need to pen them up! They do eat your greens, but not enough to matter unless you have a very small yard. They also train just as easily as chickens for their night time protection.

One final note regarding eggs in general, If you are a cancer patient you should look into quail eggs as they are cancer curative.
More information here regarding that: http://www.naturalnewsblogs.com/quail-eggs-hidden-healing-wonder-cancer/

Original text and video
Here is the link to the first in my series if you missed it, more to come!

I am in a competition as well, if you would vote for me here if you like what you read:

Love and Peace,

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