How Modern Vaccination Practices Are Destroying True “Herd Immunity”


Vaccines do not confer lifelong immunity.

Any doctor worth his salt will tell you this, because it is common medical knowledge.

Though the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website will tell you that individuals receiving the MMR vaccine are “considered protected for life"...

...a simple click on their very own link to the vaccine package insert will tell you otherwise:


"Following vaccination, antibodies associated with protection can be measured by neutralization assays, HI, or ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) tests. Neutralizing and ELISA antibodies to measles, mumps, and rubella viruses are still detectable in most individuals 11 to 13 years after primary vaccination."



If this still fails to convince some, I think it is helpful to look at the relatively recent measles outbreak in Anaheim, California, at Disney Land. Many of the cases were adults, and at least half of them were immunized. This is what the CDC considers “protected for life?”


Just for fun, scroll down to the “duration of protection” section of this CDC article on the VARIVAX chickenpox vaccine:

"It is not known how long a vaccinated person is protected against varicella. But, live vaccines in general provide long-lasting immunity."

Doesn’t sound very scientific, does it?

Now go ahead and read the actual science on the Varivax vaccine itself. 10 years. If you’re lucky.


Vaccine-conferred immunity is relatively short-lived. “Booster shots” attempt to mimic natural repeated exposure to viruses and disease, but fall short due to the removal of antigens from circulation, and the fact that the immunity they confer not life-long.

I quote Immunologist Suzanne Humphries, MD:


"Chicken pox vaccines are now being exposed for the failure they are, but vaccine profits are still climbing. After the members of the herd stopped transmitting natural immunity to each other because of the vaccine effect, shingles increased."


“Pro-vax” camps usually are quite vocal about the necessity of vaccines for the development and maintenance of herd immunity. Nothing could be further from the truth. What we see happening now is the adult population being systematically stripped of life-long, wild virus-conferred immunity during childhood because of vaccine interference, and made much more vulnerable to acquiring diseases such as chickenpox and measles later in life when the symptoms are markedly more dangerous.


We see this also—and perhaps even more worrisome--with infants. When a mother has had or been exposed to wild measles or varicella (chickenpox), this immunity and ability to defend from the disease is naturally passed on to the baby through breast milk. Because wild measles is now made out to be a horrible bogeyman by the WHO and CDC (World Health Organization and Center For Disease Control) scared people are running to vaccines to avoid getting sick. The WHO tends to lump in measles morbidity stats from impoverished and third world countries to make diseases seem much more deadly than they actually are in developed countries where adequate nutrition, sanitation, and healthcare are available.

The problem is that what is actually happening is that both individuals and the population as a whole are now being made more vulnerable to disease in the long run.

All this is not to mention the countless and underreported cases of direct vaccine damage, recompense for which can no longer be sought via legal avenues dealing directly with pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers. As of 1986 legislation, vaccine manufacturers are immune to lawsuit and a special compensation court has been set up which is paid for by excise vaccines.

Do you get it? They make you pay for the damage they do to your kids. If the CDC engages in wholly inhumane and abusive practices like this, why on earth would we think they wouldn’t be lying to us regarding the efficacy of vaccines? How useful to have a sick and immuno-compromised population for a class or sociopathic tyrants to rule. If you still doubt that there is any possibility of the CDC and pharmaceutical companies being at least partially corrupt and malevolent entities, and want to really be "red-pilled," go ahead and read about the "Tuskegee Experiment."

Stay aware, and Voluntary on, brothers and sisters!

(Another great resource from Doctor Suzanne Humphries on herd immunity:



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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