Heavy metal toxicity | test results..


🎤Liiiving in a Metal-rial world, and I am a Metal-rial girl 🎤

Too soon?

Moving on..

I have @gardenofeden to really thank..

For moving me in the right direction of getting answers for my health issues. For the past 3 months I have had severe MS symptoms, as well as seizures and paralysis. My cognitive decline has been a shock, barely even able to pull words together at times & difficulty concentrating or remembering.

@gardenofeden had done a few posts about Mercury poisoning

I had just gone through months of tests including MRI's, having spent over $2000 with no Doctor being able to tell me why I am so severely ill. Why would I just assume Doctors should know what's wrong? Surely they know about this. Or would they rather wait til I really do have MS? Mercury poisoning & MS share a lot of the same symptoms.

So seeing these posts from @gardenofeden and having @teamsteem comment asking if I have amalgam fillings, led me to a light bulb moment. Which is kinda ironic as I accidentally smashed a mercury light bulb prior to getting sick and I will be replacing those bulbs. I also have amalgam fillings.

So I bit the non toxic bullet & got tested.

This was a hair analysis test. It wont work on dyed hair but you can use pubic hair too. Yes I wrapped my lady fluff in some paper & posted it in an envelope. They are some lucky people..

Here is what they tested for. Heavy Metals as well as environmental toxins

(They spray Round Up Herbacide all over our curbs here in New Zealand)


Excessive exposure to heavy metals and toxic elements
may lead to their accumulation in the body. They tend
to deposit and store in fat and glandular tissue, and it
is therefore difficult to determine their actual levels
unless they are provoked and released from these sites
of storage
. The liver is the main detoxifying organ of
the body and is responsible for the clearing of these
compounds. The liver will inactivate them and prepare
them for excretion via several excretory systems in the
body including the intestine, kidneys, skin and lungs. If
the toxic burden becomes too high for the liver to cope
with, the toxins will spill back into the bloodstream
where they circulate and settle in different parts of
these body, particularly in fat and glandular tissue.
Their presence, in the long-term, may lead to
disruptions in the normal function on these glands and
contribute to disease.

And here are the results

These are the Metals Currently in my body. Though on this graph the Mercury levels aren't alarming, it is still causing a problem. As above it is hard to measure the true level, especially with mercury that tends to burrow in to places, like the brain, and cause havoc.


Tomorrow I am going to sit down and devise a detox plan to rid my body of these dangerous metals. And please, if you're not feeling right & have no answers, maybe get some alternative tests done? We are surrounded by toxins & this is proof of how we absorb them. Our health is so important . I don't know how I am going to feel after a Detox, but I feel better knowing there is a cause for the symptoms and I can do something about it.
I'm looking forward to feeling light & like myself again, and sharing the process with you.

Love & good health to you all

Kay x

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