Natural ways to treat Tumors in Humans & Pets

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Benign Tumors
Benign Tumors or Cysts are abnormal fibrous growth of tissues in the form of a bag, filled with a runny or pasty content. They may appear on any part of the body, although most frequently in such places as the Uterus, colon, skin, breasts, lungs, stomach, womb, throat, ovaries, testicles, prostrate and the neck. A benign tumor is not a malignant tumor, which is cancer. It does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body the way cancer can. The outlook with benign tumors is very good in most cases. However, benign tumors can be serious if they press on vital structures such as nerves or even blood vessels. As such, sometimes they may or may not require treatment.

Causes of Benign Tumors

It should be noted that more often the cause of benign tumors is unknown. However, its growth might be linked to;
Environmental toxins such as exposure to radiation, bad diets, too much stress, genetics, injury or local trauma, infection or inflammation.

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Symptoms include a swelling with pain and sometimes fever. Depending on the location of the tumor, it may obstruct the flow of fluids or hinder the functioning of the organ. Tumors are usually located in a fixed place and when they are removed, they do not grow again unlike cancerous growth which is non benign or rather malignant.


Surgery is usually recommended in orthodox medicine for the removal of tumors. However, nature also offers effective ways of dealing with tumors without surgery.

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  • Get a lime fruit and heat it on a stove. Slice it into two and apply a generous amount of Aloe Vera gel ( from fresh aloe leaves) on the pulp of the lime.
    Place it on the head of the external tumor and cover it with a cloth, holding it in place with your hand until it cools. Repeat this process twice a day. The hot aloe vera/ lime penetrates and increases the activity of enzymes and speeds up the detoxifying process, drawing out fat and pus.

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  • Pound some garlic and aloe vera leaves and extract in water. Drink copious amount of this extract daily with unfiltered wild honey added.

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This reduces and in many cases eliminates benign and malignant tumors, causing them to be absorbed and disappear completely. The same extract works as topical application on external tumor. If propolis derived from honey comb is used instead of honey, it works faster.

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  • Carrot Juice and Raw Food Diet
    Vitamin A has been shown in studies to shrink the size of tumors. The best way to take Vitamin A is with carrot juice: Also Heavy vegetable juicing, especially carrot juice, beet juice, cabbage juice, broccoli juice and other anti-cancer/tumor juices are very helpful.


Honey and Turmeric and Ginger ( A must use by everybody)

In two different studies, turmeric ( curcumin) was the best substance to kill the specific microbe that causes cancer. Every other day take 2 Tea spoons of honey with 1 Tea spoon of turmeric (or curcumin) &
Every other day take 2 Tea spoons of honey with 1 Tea spoon of ginger
The Ginger and Turmeric are alternated every other day, thus every day you are taking one or the other.

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Sweet Wormwood Herb

A product that may shrink tumors very quickly is the sweet wormwood herb. This is generally not used as a stand-alone treatment; however, it may be very effective at shrinking tumors.

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Tumors in Pets.

Tumors in our pets like dogs and cats can be caused by varieties of factors. Natural remedies are quite effective at reducing tumor size in pets and often eliminating them all together. Home remedies for tumors in pets include changes in diet, castor oil, Essiac tea & turmeric .

For pets, tumors can be large or small. Your pets may have one or multiple tumors. However, in some cases, benign tumors may appear to be just a cosmetic issue but signs of tumors mean something is not quite right in a pets system. Abnormal growth can cause significant difficulty in pets as they may press on a nerve which causes significant discomfort hindering movement if located near a joint. When tumors are found in ears and nasal cavity, it can put your pet at risk of secondary complications like infection, as it is hindering normal air flow.

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Some Herbal Remedy for pet tumors;

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Castor oil
The oil found in castor bean has many healing properties which has helped both people and animals with abnormal growths. This oil can be applied twice a day topically. Be aware that this oil can be messy as such; cover the area after applying oil to protect your bedding and furniture! During the application of the oil, the tumor may change in appearance or even become larger for sometime after the application has begun. Sometimes the tumor opens releasing fluids. If this should happen, ensure you keep the area of the growth clean with hydrogen peroxide changing the bandage two times daily is advised... You may apply Turmeric powder to prevent infection as an alternative if a wound opens up when using the castor oil remedy.



Owners of pets can use turmeric on their pets for cases like infections, cysts, hot spots, wounds, tumors, arthritis, etc. Also a daily dose of turmeric can help pets with allergies or itchy skin To treat tumors, turmeric is usually given internally. Turmeric can be mixed with food.
To use internally for your pets, start with small amounts and increase if you need to. The amount listed is per dose.

Pet Weight - Turmeric Dose
81-160 pounds = 1/2 - 1 teaspoon
41-80 pounds = 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon
21-40 pounds = 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon
11-20 pounds = 1/16 -1/8 teaspoon
5-10 pounds = pinch - 1/16 teaspoon

For external application on your pets;
Turmeric helps wounds to heal, fights infection and can help stop bleeding. For a wound that is still wet, the dry turmeric powder may be sprinkled on to the clean wound twice daily. Note that if the turmeric mixes with blood and formed a scab, do not remove the turmeric, just clean the wound as needed and add more turmeric. To make a paste, you can mix turmeric with coconut or olive oil. This can be applied to the skin and covered with a bandage if appropriate.

Risk factors in Pet with tumors

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Many tumors in dogs and cats have been linked to pet vaccinations. Tumors may form in the very sight vaccinations were administered in the past, this is not uncommon. As such, be your pets advocate and avoid unnecessary vaccinations. More so, exposure to chemicals may also put your pets at risk of tumors.

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Pets usually spend a lot of time in places that are usually treated with chemicals to control weeds or pests as such are at higher risk for tumor formation than pets whose living areas do not have chemicals used in those areas at a regular bases.

Have you treated tumor on yourself or your pets? What remedy did you use... comment with your remedy...

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  1. Web MD

  2. Total health herbal

  3. Earth clinic

  4. Cancer tutors:

Image sources: Google

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