What would happen if you cut sugar from your diet?

Benefits of Reducing Sugar

  • less inflammation (inflammation is at the root of many diseases)
  • more sustained energy (tip: replace the sugary foods with food with healthy fats (avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, flax and chia seeds)
  • better teeth health (less decay = lower chance of cavities)
  • healthier immune system

You could have immediate health benefits or gradual health benefits by cutting down sugar. Results depend on how much sugar you are consuming before you decided to cut down. Typically, if you eat a high sugar diet (including natural fructose, found in fruits), you’ll notice your energy level may drop immediately after you’ve reduced sugar intake. (Don’t worry, it will come back!)

I’ve seen two approaches work well for reducing sugar in their diet - it all depends on your personal decision/preference. 

One method is to completely cut out sugar - aim for 30 days and grab a friend or support group - makes it easier to stick to the plan. 

And the second is to gradually reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, week by week. First week cut out sugar in beverages, next sugar in refined foods, etc. Also, think about not only the simple sugars, but the complex sugars, found in refined goods, starchy vegetables and many grains, which have the same effect of raising blood sugar levels, once ingested.Using the occasional natural sweetener is fine, but consider coconut sugar instead of honey, which has a lower glycemic index. While natural sweeteners offer some health benefits, keep in mind your liver does not know the difference of natural sugars and table sugar and processes them similarly in your body. The excess sugar is stored as fat in your body.

For fruit intake, aim for fruits with peels and reduce tropical fruits (which tend to be higher in sugar). Fruits with peels, such as apples, pears, and oranges contain fiber, which slows insulin response and may reduce sugar cravings.

Have you had any success in minimizing your sugar intake?  If so please share your tips, with diabetes at a all-time high its definitely a topic of discussion.

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