5 Ways Meat Causes CANCER

1 - Sex Hormones

We can start with one of the most widely accepted causes of cancer which are sex hormones, in particular estrogen.

It is so widely accepted that estrogen causes cancer in women, that the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences deem estrogen a Cancer Causing Agent.

It is also proven, that mammal estrogens are 10,000x more potent than xenoestrogens, which are found in chemicals like BPA and that meat can contribute to 40% of estrogen intake.
And the remaining 60% of all external estrogen (the estrogen we consume) is from dairy products.

But how do we end up consuming mammal estrogens ?
Well it turns out that animal products have it. Chickens, pigs and cows all make it and we can use it.

And don't forget that 95% of cattle are given estrogen to increase growth, which causes the meat of these animals to have 4x more estrogen that normal meat.

Research referenced:
Potency of Mammal Estrogen in the Human body
60%+ of all External Estrogen from Dairy
Added Estrogen in cattle

2 - Hormone IGF-1 and Animal Protein

This might be the most important link between meat and cancer.
IGF-1 or Insulin-like growth factor 1 is a hormone.
It is not only naturally occurring in meat, but animal protein actually triggers our liver to create massive amounts of IGF-1.

This is why vegans have the lowest level of IGF-1 and also have the highest level of a protein that binds to extra IGF-1, that the body doesn't need.

So how does IGF-1 cause cancer?
As a growth hormone, IGF-1 triggers cancer cell growth to begin with. Also it spreads cancer into the bones, lungs, liver, blood and even the brain.

It also promotes Angiogenesis with the creation of new blood cells, that feed cancer.

And here is what happens, when we put people on a PLANT-BASED DIET: Switching to a plant-based diet and IGF-1
Not only does cancer growth massively decrease, but you can actually measure their levels of IGF-1 going down.
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Research referenced:
IGF-1 Levels of vegans and others
IGF-1 and Cancer growth

3 - Protein Fermentation and Hydrogen Sulfide

Protein is not meant to ferment in our bodies.
We are pretty good at digesting all of our plant proteins before they get into our large intestine where fermentation takes place.
But with meat protein up to 12 g per day can make it into our large intestine.
This is where sulfurous animal proteins break down into Hydrogen Sulfide which is a highly toxic, rotten egg-smelling gas, that is known as a genotoxin. That means that it can destroy your DNA.

Research referenced:
12g of meat protein per day can enter the large intestine
Hydrogen Sulfide and DNA Damage

4 - Mutagenic compounds in meat

As you cook meat proteins at high temperatures, they turn into Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are potent Carcinogens.

Research referenced:
Chemicals in Meat Cooked at High Temperatures and Cancer Risk

5 - Cholesterol feeds Cancer

Cholesterol is only present in animal products. It is nor present in any plant foods at all.
Cholesterol is capable of regulating proliferation, migration, and signaling pathways in breast cancer.

Research referenced:
Cholesterol and breast cancer development

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