How to cheer yourself up


Seasonal autumn-winter depression is directly related to the fact that the day becomes short, and in the morning it is necessary to get up in the dark. We do not have enough sunlight. When night comes, the body produces a sleep hormone melatonin, which has a calming effect. Its excess causes depression.

How to help yourself cheer up

Bright colors will help - they stimulate the brain and charge with energy.

Arrange in the house vases with colorful fruits.
Make the walls bright. Take a white sheet of paper and draw a colorful picture. When working with bright colors, the production of the melatonin is blocked in the brain, and the hilarious drawings on the walls will cheer you up every day. Do not know how to draw? Decorate the home with decorative plates. In their palette must be present white, yellow, orange, red colors. They are the best wrestlers with moping.
Often turn on the light in the house. Avoid twilight and semi-darkness.
Deceive the body and wear light-colored clothes. White color will be perceived as a day, the hormone melatonin will cease to be produced, the mood will rise.

Get Rid of Chronic Fatigue
I am tired all the time. Rest on weekends, holidays give only a short-term effect. Why is this happening?


Perhaps you are facing a specific disease. Among the inhabitants of civilized countries, the syndrome of chronic fatigue is common. It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is called the herpes simplex virus of the 4th type. He can stay in the nerve cell for a long time and not show up. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, most often with saliva - for example, when kissing. Identify it can be using the analysis for the presence of antibodies VEB. If the test is positive, then the Epstein-Barr virus is present. To treat the disease, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs.

Don`t eat cakes
Is it true that sweet and coffee elevate the mood?

No. Caffeine depletes the nervous system. It quickly disintegrates in the body, so that the flow of energy you will feel only the first 15 minutes. You can drink no more than 2-3 cups of coffee a day, otherwise there is a risk of earning insomnia and falling into despair.

As for sweet, the glucose, which is contained in it, is a source of energy. When a person eats chocolate and sweets, the concentration of serotonin increases, the mood really rises, but also for a short while. After all, the blood glucose rises sharoly and also drops sharply after an hour. In addition, sugar is quickly absorbed and converted to fat. Glucose can be obtained from other foods: raw rice, herbs, vegetables, unsweetened fruits. In this case, its blood level will rise slowly, the feeling of hunger will go away and the mood will be even.

Antidepressant Products
The mood is raised by two kinds of products. Some contain a hormone of joy - serotonin. Others are B vitamins that affect the functioning of nerve cells and stimulate the formation of the same serotonin.


Pine-apples. They contain tryptophan. And tryptophan under the influence of B vitamins is converted into serotonin. Daily dose: 184 g
Banana. Bananas also contain tryptophan. Moreover, they also help to cope with migraine, which is directly related to the level of serotonin in the blood. Daily dose: one banana
Pumpkin seeds. They have a lot of magnesium. If it is low in the body, then serotonin is not produced enough. Daily dose: one handful.

Where to look for vitamins of group B

Eggs. There are two important vitamins B in the yolks - B6 and B12. There is also choline in the yolks. It is the precursor of acetylcholine, which transmits nerve impulses in the brain. Daily dose: no more than one yolk per day and not more than four - per week.


Brown rice. In the shell of brown rice contains vitamin B₃. Daily dose: 400 g

Nuts. Rich in vitamin B₆. Daily dose: one handful.

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