Yoga etiquette 瑜珈禮義 (WP201)

A few days ago I shared my yoga experience. Since last year, I have been going to yoga classes regularly, and they are a great way to calm my mind and body for an hour twice a week.


Sometimes my classes are ruined because of bad yoga etiquette, and here are some of my pet hates.


  1. Coming into class late, and thumping their yoga mat noisily on the floor when they unroll it, as if announcing to everyone “Hey! I’ve arrived.”

  2. Don’t step onto my mat when you walk past! Some postures involves lying face down and I don’t want to stick my face on your smelly footstep (teachers excluded not because I like to smell her foot but because she needs to correct my posture).
    不要踩在我的瑜珈墊上! 瑜珈有些動作是要面貼地上,我不想嗅到你的腳底噢! 但老師除外,不是因為我喜愛嗅她的腳,而是因為她需要改正我的姿勢。

  3. Wearing a face mask during class ~ doesn’t happen often and doesn’t impact me directly but very distracting. A lot of people wear face masks in Taiwan as the air quality can be quite bad sometimes. Also if they have a cold, the face mask (supposedly) helps to prevent spreading the virus to others. But, how can you breath freely with a mask over your mouth and nose when you are doing yoga? Take a day off to recover, sister.
    上課帶口罩~ 不常看見,對我沒直接影響但總覺有點怪怪,看到我自己也覺得很辛苦。台灣人會帶口罩因為有時空氣會很差,或是不舒服不想傳染別人。但畢竟口罩會阻止空氣流通,運動時又怎能呼吸暢順呢?同學,不舒服就在家好好休息,下一次才上課吧。

  4. Mobile phones – if there are no lockers at your yoga school and you have to take your things into the classroom, switch your phone to silent. It’s really annoying when the phone suddenly rings and even worse when they have a stupid annoying ringtone.

  5. And finally this has got to be the worst of the worse – answering the phone during class. If you have something urgent going on, skip the class for once it won’t kill you, but talking on your mobile will disrupt the rest of the class.
    這是我個人心目中覺得最不應該及沒禮貌的 ~ 在上課時接聽電話。若是有很重要事需要辦,那翹一課先專心處理好也沒問題,否則真會影響到其他同學。

What are your pet hates during yoga classes?




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