My Journey Through Trigemanal Neuralgia / Thanks For Encouragement

I fight a daily battle with pain..
Trigeminal Neuralgia is such a debilitating condition..
Because my pain rarely shows on the outside, it is difficult to understand..
If someone has a broken arm or a leg, they get a cast on..
Their pain is visible..
TN is a neurological condition..


The nerves jolt and spasm inside the head and it makes simple tasks like washing teeth, applying make-up and even washing hair difficult..

A soft breeze to me, feels like millions of sharp knives stabbing the left side of my face, with the occasional electric shock to keep things interestingly nasty..

Pain is a brutal and demonizing symptom, and to deal with it every day and not know for how long it will go on is daunting..

Pain drains my energy and it kills my spirit..

Your great encouragement Started to let me think that
tomorrow is going to be better !

Here just to thank all of you for your great encouragement, that may will help me to win my battle with trigeminal neuralgia..

pic credit: giphy .gif
Below you can read about my battle with TN..

I am just in pain..

I was trapped inside a body, with no help..

I  Fight TN..

I've just been told I'm suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia..

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