Cozumel Trip/Dolphin Therapy #2 Autism World

As a parent with special needs kid, our lives are busy from day to day. Busy calculating how to get my son back, how to help him and what the next challenges we are going to face.

Searching online, maybe there's something out there that we don't know, asking people even to stranger, hoping we may find something worth it to help him.

Until one day, my friend who lives in HongKong called. She said, that she found out a lot of parent with special needs kid doing dolphin therapy, so why don't you try! Who knows that may help him.

So, at age 4 we brought him to Cozumel, Mexico for dolphin therapy through Living From The Heart, ( The reason why we using them because the price was totally make sense and affordable, the therapy we had was 10 sessions and each session was 45 minutes.

Few weeks later he was cooperated with me to put on his underwear, which he couldn't do it before due to his severe sensory problem. Since then, he successfully and graduated from potty training. Until now he is on his own in the bathroom doing number 1 and number2.

It's amazing the sonar sound of Amizcle (the dolphin's name) could helped his sensory problems, so he could wear underwear and totally potty trained after 2.5 years of no luck.

I'm helping him with writing now, hopefully soon he'll be able to write without the need to lead.

I will keep posting for some more of our experience and thank you for passing by.

Having fun with Amizcle.

After therapy, with Kathy, Thomas and Amizcle.


This is how dolphin therapy sending sonar into his brain.

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