When its hard to post on the greatest blogging platform

Its a great way to keep my mind off things, Its been three months since my separation and personal living hell and one would think that slowly my mind should start looking in the right direccion. Well it doesnt seem to be getting any easier anytime soon. Im not going to go into any details as these are irrelevant but recent developments have made my situation worse, or at least in my head. 

Here is the Strange thing ;  When I look at myself from the outside I see a person who  is fine he just needs to start to think about things diferently, but from the inside all I feel is despair, confusion, worthlessness and loneliness.

This is the content that I am able to create at this moment, expressing myself in this way maybe it will help me to realize things about myself and start to overcome this trauma for the sake of my health and very important so my kids don't see me like this anymore. 

Sorry about the sobby depressing post but Im sure many of you guys have felt in a similar way at some in your life and can probably relate. 

I will overcome this terrible feeling and grow to be a better and stronger person

Thanks for reading I feel a little better already after writing this.

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