How I de-stress myself through aromatherapy and essential oils ~ Week Three ~ Six Week Health Challenge

Hello my dear steemians!

I'm sooo happy today 'cause I have the chance to tell you about aromatherapy and essential oils. I planned to write about it one day, but I guess it just came earlier. Why? Because I'm participating at this health challenge #sixweekhealth, maybe you've heard about it cause we already are in week three. If you didnt, check it here at @healthsquared and get involved too! It's an amazing challenge! So, thank these guys @healthsquared and also @sweetsssj for their support and implication!!

BIG QUESTION NOW!! How I de-stress with essential oils and aromatherapy? 

The response is very simple! Let me introduce you to AROMATHERAPY.   

Aromatherapy  is a fascinating alternative medicine that uses plant extracts and essential oils for improving psychological or physical well-being. 

So, how this works? 

It's all about these amazing essential oils! They contain certain beneficial chemicals and active ingredients that are taken directly from plants or herbs through a process known as distillation, then mixed with alcohol to preserve their strength. The finished result is a very concentrated oily formula, named ESSENTIAL OIL! 

Sometimes, the combination of numerous essential oils can actually create a more powerful effect than the oils applied on their own. 


 Aromatherapy can be performed in several different ways:

  • Diffusing a combination of essential oils into the air (or just one single oil)
  • Inhaling oils through the nostrils directly off of a cloth or from the bottle
  • Receiving  massage therapy utilizing oils
  • Soaking in an oil-infused bath
  • Rubbing oils directly onto the skin , but , usually they are  combined with a carrier oil (such almond, jojoba, coconut, argan oil etc) because they are SO strong!!

When you use essential oils, think you get something similar with vitamins or minerals or active components that help you mentain your body healthy! They are so powerfull! 

They are like medicines or pills for different problems you have! For example, if you are spider veins you can use cypress es oil, or if you feel you can't concentrate, use rosemary. If you have an inflamation, use frankincense, Or if you cant sleep just use lavand, and so on. 

I wish I could tell ALL about them , but I just can. It's an entire science, baby! Can't put it in one article...:( but PLEASE read more on the internet about essential oils because it is really something extraordinary and it really helps you in different ways! 

Moving on, I want you to understand how I de-stress using essential oils.

First of all, they have a lot of benefits,from boosting memory, increasing energy levels, reducing headaches, regulate sleep, improves digestion,skin health, respiratory issues to relieves inflamation and pain. And not at least,  one of them is that releaves stress and promotes relaxation. 

The aromatic compounds from many different essential oils are known as relaxants and can help to soothe your mind and eliminate anxiety.  This is what most people who perform aromatherapy at home use it for since the mixtures are very simple and the research on this aspect of aromatherapy is very well-known and widely studied. 

Some of the best essential oils for stress relief are  lavender, lemon,  ylang-ylang, chamomile, lemongrass, bergamot, grapefruit, ETC!!!

Results from one study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing found that patients who received aromatherapy reported significantly greater improvement in their mood and perceived levels of anxiety and felt less anxious and more positive immediately following the therapy. 


This being said, I want to add my personal note in this article and tell you more how I de-stress using aromatherapy exactly. 

For me, there is no other way to relax and de-stress than using essential oils while taking a bath, use them in my aromatherapy lamp, watching a movie, reading, make plans and checking my agenda, learning about health, drinking a cup of tee and have my cats around! This is the perfect evening for me! and it looks pretty much like this:

When I dont have the time to use essential oils in my bath, I also like taking a foot bath! 

This is how you do it! Use some bath salt, relaxing plants like chamomile, lavander, melisa, etc and a few drops of essential oil. 

I also made my first D-tube video, for this article, in order to show you how I do my foot bath!!/v/missdeli/c5xprf2d

I used in my food bath lavander, chamomile, marigold and lemon balm.

This is my collection of essential oils. 

And this is me, one selfie!! :P

 This is one of my favorite 'relax tea'! It tastes like Heaven! I love it, I love it!  

Besides this aromatherapy lamp, where you put water and a few drops of your fav essential oil, then light a candle and put it in its specifc place, there are profesional diffusers, really easy to use. Just add water, essential oil and click On buttom! There you go! You will benefit from this aromateraphy and you will adore it!! All those smells will kill you!!! Imagine vanilla, orange and lemon, cinnamon, clove etc etc etc!!!

If you want to start using essential oils, you can do immediately! Best way to start is to put them in your bath. A few drops and whole your bathroom will smell of lavander or vanilla or cinammon!!! Whatever essential oil did you used! Or you can put some drops in your shower gel and shampoo! Put some drops on your back hand or massage your skin with it! Be carreful how you use it. Its better use them with a carrier oil. That means you put a few drops in almond oil and just then add it on your skin!


Hope you got motivated using essential oils and also enjoyed my story of how I de-stress using them!!

With so much joy, Miss Deli

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