Rest when you need to rest | Japan Overwork problem

Don't overwork yourself, productivity comes requires a clear mind and focus to be efficient. So if you got a lot of work ahead of you, rest for a bit. Put you're head down on the table and rest your eyes and mind because it is essential to conserve brain power when we need it for mental stress work.

Most people overwork themselves too much and such is the case in Japan, where overworking is leading to deaths. It's unbelievable, that we are living in a world where working too hard will kill you. So recently, the government put out a 100 hour cap to limit the problem, however critics have slammed this legislation down saying that it will do nothing and rates of stroke, suicide and heart attacks will continue to rise.

Being a workaholic is bad thing, just like being a alcholic, in fact any type of the addiction bad for the human body, because it make's you reliant upon something else besides your own body. Drugs make you reliant upon on external stimulants that help make you feel relaxed and okay, but how about the internal stimulants you're body produces when you relax or go to sleep?

A power nap for like 10 minutes is better than working in those 10 minutes and feeling tired as hell, you'll be more prone to make mistakes, which will further agitate you or fustrate you. All these things have a negative impact on the brain, which leads to poor performance at work or any other activity.

You are stopping yourself from doing the best

Therefore take a rest my friend, the work will not go anywhere. But to make sure that you do well and you're health or wellbeing are taken into account, just have a small amount of rest to ensure that when you wake back up. You have enough energy to be motivated and drive forward in your task or activity

Good day, and this is @moarafatshow signing off!

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