My Earth Day Special -Connecting and Grounding with Mother Earth

We are living in a environment completely surrounded by electromagnetic radiations from all possible sources; gadgets, appliances, be it our electrical appliances, smart phones, TV, wifi and so on. These radiations are directly coming in contact with our body and transmitting it to us creating an imbalance in our internal energies. The numbers of diseases have increased drastically majorly the autoimmune disease. I keep hearing about this almost every second day....

The solution to most of our physical problems is right beneath our feet. Our planet earth is one massive electric battery with positively charged electrons. What we say is our physical body is nothing but an accumulation of what we eat, drink and breathe which comes all from nature and connected to Earth. When we come in contact with Earth we can bring in a lot of safety, security and stability for ourselves.
Connecting to Mother Earth which is also known as Grounding brings a lot of health benefits. Have you every tried walking bare feet in a park or a beach and you would feel so refreshing and rejuvenated. Imagine if we can do this everyday what frame of mind can we be in.


I always find Grounding a very pleasure activity. The coolness of earth when it touches my bare feet I feel fresh and alive, you can even go a step ahead by burying a part of your body in sand or taking a dip in the sea. Even Yoga is a very good form of grounding. I also prefer doing grounding meditation where in visualizing roots from earth completely engulfing me. Even a tree hugging is one wonderful way of grounding, or meditation out in the nature.
There is not much effort required in grounding but the important is to feel connected to Mother Earth.

The major benefits of Grounding are:

  • Reduces stress level
  • Healing any Injury faster
  • Better Digestion
  • Better sleep
  • Healing Muscle pain

We love and enjoy doing this.

I will like to share my personal experience on Grounding, I was having a severe back pain since months, no reason could be identified and it just would not go with all the possible treatments. So I decided to turn to some natural healing therapies. I used my crystal therapy and did a lot of grounding, including started sleeping on the floor. In just a matter of 2 weeks the pain was completely gone like it was never there. It was kind of a miracle. What I was suffering for almost 3 months got resolved in 2 weeks with nothing much. Now I make it a point to everyday do my grounding exercise and spend as much time possible in nature.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

My other blogs of Interest

Crystals and Astrology
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