The different aspects of Yoga #1

I am finally starting with my Yoga Series which has been long pending for me and I hope this topic brings in value to the readers as I believe that Yoga is a very integral part of ourselves. Its not only about doing physical poses but much more

When we talk of Yoga, what comes to mind, our immediate reaction is it brings in relaxation to our body and mind. But one should understand that a Yoga practice is an intense and a relaxed practice at the same time.

Yoga is not only about moving your body parts in all the possible ways. The basic definition of Yoga is the;

"Union of Body and Mind"

There are various forms of Yoga, almost the poses are same but the approach to the end position will be different. That does not make any method right or wrong, but yes the recent day "Power Yoga" practice (with no offence to any practitioner) I do not call it Yoga, it's more of aerobics then Yoga, I would rather go to a Gym.

The basic advice of Yoga in Patanjali Sutras which are the guidelines of Yoga says; Sthiram Sukham Asanam meaning STEADY, PEACEFUL & COMFORTABLE, YOGA POSE.

Image Source: Pixabay

There are a lot of people who are very flexible with their body, but if you ask them to be Steady in one position it would be equally challenging for them. When you are unable to bring Steadiness in yourself then you definitely are not doing Yoga.

I know of a friend who has been doing Yoga since almost 20 years and has a big set up in his country, but he confesses that he does more of aerobics, he himself cannot sit in silence for more than 5 minutes. Now that's a waste of time if you are really serious about doing Yoga.

The basic rules of Yoga are:

  • Slow & Steady and Well Controlled
  • Focus; hence being intense and being relaxed at the same time plays a very important role here.
  • One should not be very eager to reach the final position.
  • A check on your breathing is very important; cause how you breathe during the practice plays a major role on your physical body. The rule is - Chest open positions your Breathe In and Chest contract positions you breathe out.

The different types of Yoga which are Traditional and authentic are;

  1. Ashtanga Yoga - Where the work is with Mind-Body-Mind
  2. Hatha Yoga - Where you work with; Force - Body - Mind but without interference of the coach
  3. Iyengar Yoga - Same as Hatha Yoga; Force - Body - Mind. The difference is here for the Force, props are used and there is 100% intervention of the coach in getting you to the final position.

There are Yogas which do not have use of Asanas (Poses) and they are working with your mind;

  1. Karma Yoga - There are no Asanas (Poses) here, this is about your day to day life where you bring in discipline of selfless action.
  2. Gyan Yoga - Where one accumulates knowledge and discovers realities of higher consciousness through Insights and Practice.
  3. Japa Yoga- This is a repetition of Mantra in a Meditative state.

Each of these have their own benefits but they all lead to one path and that is connecting to your higher consciousness.

With regular practice of Yoga your Soul starts relating to your body and starts reacting in the manner your Body reacts; hence Yoga is called the "Union of Body and Mind"

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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