The Significance of Surya Namaskar

Our physical body is like one machine designed to work in a particular manner, we do not need to set any reminders or alarms for it to function, it does it daily tasks as designed and programmed. But it becomes our responsibility to take care of this machine with good diet, sleep, exercise and meditation both for the efficiency of the physical and mental health. The more we get disciplined in our lifestyle the better this machine operates..

Surya Namaskar is a Yoga based exercise of 12 postures which takes care of the entire system. A regular practice of Surya Namaskar energizes the entire nervous systems, the glands and the muscular system of the body ensuring a balanced supply of oxygenated blood flow and bringing perfect harmony to all the systems of the physical and mental body.

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A minimum of 10 cycles of Surya Namaskar should be practiced daily for maximum benefits. To start with one can do 5 and then gradually progress. It is advised not to do it at a very fast pace.

The 12 postures of Surya Namaskar are as below

  1. To start with stand in a erect position without bending any of your body part, Toes, heels knees and thighs to be joined without getting too stiff and join both the palms with the position of the hands in middle of the chest. Focus on your breathing with full inhalation and slow exhalation

  2. Raise both the hands stretched behind with palms joined, let the upper arm touch your ears and the waist bended back. Feel the stretch from the navel to the throat.
    Breathing - Inhale - Intent

  3. Bend forward bringing the head down and allowing the palms to touch the ground. Palms to be placed by the side of the feet and forehead as much as closer to the knees.
    Breathing - Exhale -Suurender

  4. Place the palms on the side and in line of the feet. fold the left knee letting it come closer to the left shoulder and touching it. Left thigh touching left side of the chest and right leg stretched behind resting the toes and knees on the ground. Arch up the chest with face in upward direction.
    Breathing - Inhale - Assume

  5. Release the left leg and balance the body on the palm and toes, whole body on slant straight position without any bends and the gaze on the ground. No arch should be there in this position.
    Breathing - Exhale - Allign

  6. Raise the body from the above position bringing the body in straight position, palms near the chest touching the ground, forehead, nose, chest and knees touching the ground. Do not rest abdomen on the ground and raise the hips little upward.
    Breathing-Inhale - Awareness

7.Raise the head towards the ceiling with palms firmly on the ground and arching the spine. Let the body rest on toes and palms only. The Cobra pose.
Breathing - Exhale - Surge Upward

8.Lift the hips with feet and palms firmly on the ground, The Mountain pose, the body is shaped in inverted V pose.
Breathing - Inhale & Exhale - Expand as Space

From here on you again reverse back.
9.Coming back to position 4 - Inhale and Ignite as Space
10.Same as position 3 - Exhale and feel the void
11.Repeat position 2 - Inhale and feel the fullness
12.Same as position 1 - Exhale and focus on third eye and realize the supreme spirit that you are.

Start again.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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