Honey is one of the most recommended remedies for humans, People who always take care of health will never forget Madu, medical experts including Sir William Osler as the father of modern medical science says, One of the main tasks of doctors is to educate the people of the future, so that not always taking chemical drugs, Dr. Remy Chauvint (France 1968) says, Honey or propolis contains complete minerals and vitamins, 100% anti-biotic can kill bacteria and viruses and does not contain side effects.
Prof. Arnold Becket said honey or propolis is able to cure various diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi without side effects, and many more modern researchers who prove scientifically, how great the liquid honey for human health Benefits of Honey very many of them are:
Treating Insomnia
Treating Sore Throat
Looks youthful
Strengthen sperm
Helps brain development in toddlers
Clean the blood layer
Balancing the fat content and controlling heart function
Increase endurance
Increase stamina during intercourse
Heals wounds
Heals cough
Heal cancer and heart
Improve memory
The most complete nutrition for humans
Reduces alcohol levels in the body
Treating poisoning
Treating Allergies
Fighting bacteria, viruses and fungi
Stabilizes white blood cells
Stabilizes blood sugar
And many others are related to human health