Cancer Prevention, Tips

The best form of cancer prevention is to maintain a healthy immune system. Keep your immune system functioning optimally with the following recommendations:

Avoid all sugars including alcohol, fruit juices, and complex carbs like starches from white pastas and white potatoes.
Avoid the use of antibiotics which weaken the immune response.

Starve off cancer growth by fasting to improve metabolic processes such as insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial function. Consider the ketogenic diet for its anti-proliferative effects on cancer cells.

Limit toxins in your diet by drinking filtered water, avoiding plastics, eating organic whole foods, and choosing high quality grass-fed meat and dairy products.
Support detoxification pathways daily. Add apple cider vinegar or lemon to your drinking water, incorporate sulfur-rich vegetables like garlic and cauliflower to your meals and eat dark leafy green vegetables every day.
Support healthy gut bacteria by consuming fermented foods like kefir and sauerkraut, and consider taking a high-quality probiotic daily. The gut interacts closely with the immune system and healthy microflora conditions exhibits anticancer activity.
Consume antioxidant rich foods including ginger, berries, green tea, and spices like turmeric and ginger to destroy cancer stem cells.
Expose yourself to sunlight every day without the use of a toxic sunscreens. The sun’s rays are essential to supporting your immune system with vitamin D.

Reduce stress in your life that can cause inflammation and oxidative damage to tissue and reduce immunity. Practice stress reduction techniques including exercise and meditation practices.

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