6 Avoid These Foods at Night

Eating before bed is a potent recipe for weight gain and sleep soundly, but did you know that there are some foods that are consumed before bedtime can cause serious damage to the tissue of the throat and esophagus?When you feel pain in the second part, we can be sure that you are having rrefluks acid, where the fluid in the gastrointestinal tract or the stomach rises back up to the chest or throat. This will cause a burning sensation or heartburn.However, there are also so-called "silent reflux", which is different dariheartburn in general. The cause is the same but the symptoms are different. Instead of showing symptoms of indigestion, the patient will actually experience symptoms of sore throat, chronic cough, and difficulty swallowing.


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This drink will relax the valve that connects the stomach and esophagus. When this happens, your body will have difficulty "save" the food in place. "If you dare to consume alcohol just before bed, you have to get ready to welcome the arrival of acid reflux.


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"Nothing is more acidic than soda. In fact, soda is actually more acidic than anything that exists in nature, "said Koufman. Acid is too high will damage the valve of the stomach and esophagus. Plus, carbonated soft drinks will make flatulence.  


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A particular taste in chocolate contains high fat, this is also relaxes the valve. In addition, chocolate contains caffeine and the stimulant known as theobromine. Eating too much at night dappat cause you dizzy and felt as if floating.


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Yes, this is the kind of other fatty foods. But, if you can not avoid cheese in the evenings, choose the type of Parmesan and Swiss that has the effect of reflux lower than the type of feta and mozzarella. This is why the NDA should also avoid eating pizza at night.


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Fatty foods, whether saturated or not, usually it will increase the risk of acid reflux. So, even though nuts is healthy in small doses, but should avoid these foods before bed. "Cashew nuts, walnuts, and macadamia nuts are the worst. While pistachios and almonds lower risk.


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Not only is closely related to the acid, but the caffeine content in coffee can also cause additional stomach acid.

So, what to eat at night when hunger strikes? Suggest anything with low acid content, such as bananas, cereal bowl of low-sugar and low-fat milk or chamomile tea. "In addition to have a soothing effect, chamomile tea can also fill your stomach and make you feel full. 

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