Sound is powerful.
I have been using the didgeridoo as a meditation tool for a long while. I find that it is very easy to meditate and that I feel more alive, connected and at peace after a nice Didgeridoo session.
So I am sharing it with you here on Steemit as you are important to me.
I suggest headphones as you will be able to get more into it. Take some deep breathes and enjoy the presence of being∞§∞
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. I share it because I find it very valuable.
If you liked this episode you can check out my past holistic Harmonics Sessions.
Holistic Harmonics Video Session 4: ∞§∞DidgeridooPower∞§∞
Holistic Harmonics Video Session 3: ∞§∞DidgeridooSunRiseFrequencies∞§∞
Holistic Harmonics Session 2: Frequency Of Paradise∞§∞
Solar Eclipse Holistic Harmonics Session 1: Didgeridoo Sound Healing Night Fire~*~
Everything vibrates at a frequency including consciousness. Conscious frequency is very powerful.