POWER OF NATURE - How I Healed my Tonsillitis Within 5 Days

February in Bangkok, a few days for exploring this huge city is not much and you want to use the time in the best way possible. What you don’t want in Bangkok? A really bad and strongly purulent tonsillitis. Well, I got the jackpot there, since I was pretty unfortunate to come down with this health condition, but I got something that many people are not fortunate enough to have - the knowledge about how to treat myself and be back on my feet in no time. And I am not talking about antibiotics that might make you feel better for a short time but then cause severe health problems in the long run and might even lead to a fatal resistance to them in the end.  

(This post is taking part in the Natural Medicine Contest by @naturalmedicine - a project that supports people to look beyond the conventional medicine and shares content about the miraculous effects of natural healing programs. Read more about their work in this introduction post or follow them on Discord.)

My tonsillitis instantly stopped my travel plans

The first day, my throat got really constricted and I assumed it to be a flu. I was not wise enough to slow down, but continued to dive into the full Bangkok experience. The next day a short look into my mouth made it absolutely clear: I had to fight a full-blown tonsillitis with a thick, white coating on the tonsils, painful swelling, a sore throat and all other symptoms that usually come along with it. I thought about going to the doctor but already knew the common reaction to this condition - antibiotic drugs. This time, I wanted to do it my way, so that I did some digging to find out the best natural antibiotic foods and remedies to support my body in its healing the best way I can.  

How I tackled the enemy face on, without any drugs

Tonsillitis is in its acute form an inflammation of the tonsils caused by either a virus or bacterial infection. Therefore I was searching for foods that are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and supportive for the immune system. I knew that remedies with such an effect can tackle tonsillitis just as good as any chemical antibiotic and ditch all the scary side-effects at the same time. The following tea recipe, blueberries and guava as well as a mouth rinse with diluted tea tree oil is what I came up with and that made my symptoms become less intense every day, until the tonsillitis was totally gone after only 5 days.  

My magical healing tea with all the good stuff

  • 2 thumbs of fresh ginger 
  • Juice of 1 lemon 
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder 
  • 2 cloves fresh garlic 
  • 1/2 red onion 
  • Pinch of black pepper 

Ginger is widely known as medicinal spice, especially as booster for the immune system. It also has the ability to greatly reduce inflammatory responses, [1] so that is seems to be the perfect remedy to fight tonsillitis.

Probably one of the oldest medicinal plants, garlic offers some incredible abilities to fight several diseases. One garlic clove is said to have the same antibiotic power than 100,000 units of penicillin, can you imagine? [2] Garlic has also antibacterial effects, proven in different studies. [3]

Onion is another food you want to have in your kitchen when hit by something like tonsillitis. Not only does it improves your immune response, it also inhibits great antibacterial properties to kill many pathogens that might have led to your condition. [5] Did you also know, that it is best eaten in its raw state? [6]

The good old lemons - a fruit that should always find its way into your tea whenever struck with a cold, flu or even tonsillitis. With its high vitamin C content it is known to improve your immune system [7] and help your body to fight any health condition. But that is not all, it also comes with anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties which make it the best food for the condition I had to tackle.  

Turmeric is my favorite item in this healing tea and that’s not just because of this vibrant color. The ingredient curcumin in this spice has extremely strong anti-inflammatory [8] and antioxidant properties. Its bioavailability is enhanced by an incredible 2,000% just by adding black pepper to it. [9]

Healing can be so delicious - Fruits for support

My host in the hostel I stayed in at that time also gave me the advice to include guava into my healing program and after doing a little digging, I found out that it is loaded with antioxidants to support my immune system in this challenging time. I can easily drink it as a juice along with the tea and lots of water.  

Blueberries are even more fascinating in their effect on our health. They are scientifically proven to improve the work of our natural killer cells [10] and therefore give our immune system the needed boost in confidence to tackle conditions like tonsillitis. I bought frozen ones and let some of them melt each day to eat them right from the bowl - healing can be so delicious.

Natural wonders of essential oils - Tea tree oil

Since drinks and foods were covered with that, I also searched for a natural mouth rinse to support my healing journey even further. With its antibacterial power essential tea tree oil was the perfect remedy for me. A few drops diluted in some water made the perfect liquid to gurgle away my tonsillitis one day at a time. 

Along with all the healing foods: Rest, rest, rest

And not to forget, I rested a lot during this time of healing and restrengthening my body since I needed all my energy for the immune processes that were taking place. So even if the timing is really bad for you to get sick which is mostly the case - always try to take as much time as possible for resting, otherwise you might spend many more days with a health condition that is slowing you down for longer than necessary.

I hope this post could encourage you to do some research yourself next time you are faced with something like tonsillitis and you might be able to conquer your own condition with natural remedies instead of turning to chemical medicine instead. Of course, you should talk to your doctor first to make sure that your condition doesn't necessarily need antibiotics or other drugs. I myself took charge of my health and felt better and better every day until the tonsillitis was finally gone. 


Have a wonderful day and a fruitful journey ahead! 

Yours, Anais 

Nomadic adventuress since 2018 | Raw foodie | Health enthusiast | Minimalist | Freedom seeker | Passionate believer in a life full of bliss.

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Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietitian, doctor or trained detox expert. My goal is to share my knowledge from conclusive research and personal experiences to inspire you on your own raw adventure. I do not give medical advice and am not liable for any negative consequences you might face by following any information from this post - even if it is too much energy from a newly gained vibrant health and no idea how to deal with it. Always do your individual research when it comes to your precious health, it is absolutely worth the extra effort!

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