How a brain disorder proves our minds have the ability to heal our bodies 🌱


The study of DID patients is producing a growing body of evidence which supports the claim that we can think our way to perfect health, no matter our condition.

DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) is the new term being used these days to describe people with Multiple Personality Disorder. One important thing to understand about this condition is that only one identity at a time can 'stand in the light' and assume control of the body, while the other(s) are forced to remain seated in the darkness and await their turn.

We've all seen the film which demonstrates this.



I first started learning about this subject a few years ago while looking for natural ways to correct my short sightedness. Initially I was not sure if it was even possible but upon discovering the fascinating side effects of this particular brain disorder (usually induced by childhood trauma) I could no longer be in any doubt.

Visual aids

There have been numerous cases (recoded by opticians) in which DID patients have needed more than one pair of glasses (or none at all) to cater for their multiple identities. Each 'alter' thinks a different way and therefore sees the world a different way. Some with perfect clarity and focus, others with long or short sighted tendencies.

This serves as absolute proof that the brain has the ability to change the optical focus of our eyes and for me was good enough evidence that I could in fact correct my vision without glasses or intrusive laser surgery. This is a subject I intend to expand on in a future post for it is my intention to work with a group of steemians in order that we can correct our vision together.

From darkness to light

To take the investigation further now I would like to look at a 37 year old German woman who suffered a traumatic accident, damaging the visual processing centres of her brain, causing blindness. While seeking treatment for her DID, suddenly her eyesight returned, but not to the 37-year-old German woman. Instead it returned to the teenage boy she sometimes became.

Over the course of a few months all but two of her ten identities regained their sight and as she oscillated between identities, her vision flicked on and off like a switch in her head.

Meir Schneider is another example of someone who was able to regain their vision after being told by doctors he would never see again.

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He refused to believe them and set about creating various eye exercise routines, which ultimately gifted him back his sight, baffling his doctors and the world alike.

So strong was his belief, that the eye exercises most likely served only as a daily psychological enhancer and once some kind of improvement was experienced, his belief was deepened and the healing process accelerated.

Such is the power of the mind.

Beyond eyesight

The mind's ability to change the body doesn't stop at eyesight. There are numerous cases in which DID patients exhibit certain allergies with one identity but not with others.

The most famous case was a man whose alter was allergic to orange juice. He would break out in a rash upon drinking it, even when he was not aware he had drunk it. His mind was so connected to the rest of his body he did not have to be aware. His stomach was aware! But the moment his identity was switched back, the rash would immediately subside.

Other doctors have recorded colour blindness coming and going between identities and even the colour of the eyes themselves have been reported to change depending on which alter is 'standing in the light'.

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Due to the ongoing studies of DID patients every year there are more and more examples highlighting this intimate connection between the mind and the body.

Within a given individual, multiple disease states can exhibit themselves exclusively of each other, depending on the state of consciousness ('personality') currently activated in the conscious mind. Thus, with one personality expressing itself in the conscious mind/body system, the individual can show all the clinical symptoms of diabetes, for example, and require insulin -- while a shift into another personality may result in no presence of any disease state or perhaps the clinically-confirmed appearance of a cardiovascular condition requiring entirely another type of medication and treatment.
Barasch & Hirshberg

The power of belief

So strong is the power of the mind that a person only has to believe themselves to possess a disease or allergy to instantaneously acquire it.


If such a thing is possible it would be logical to assume that the reverse must also be possible and a person only has to believe themselves to be in perfect health for their body to manifest a physical match to their belief.

My research on natural vision correction led me to understand that an immediate improvement was a not only possible but was actually a common reaction to the new found belief that vision CAN be improved without glasses or laser surgery.

Again, the power of the mind is so strong that when an optician tells us it is not possible to correct our vision in a natural way, our eyes will obey this belief. So when a person suddenly believes it is possible, there is an immediate improvement to the vision.

I can testify this to be true having experienced it myself and you may enjoy my documentation of what was quite a miraculous event for me at the time.


Anyone who subscribes to the thinking of Abraham, the non physical collective consciousness which speaks through Esther Hicks, will already be familiar with the idea that we all have the ability to heal ourselves with our thoughts. Abraham even goes as far as to suggest that the only reason we don't grow our limbs back is because we believe it isn't possible.

Whilst this idea may sound crazy, I find myself asking why? Is it because this is my perception of life? Or because I know it to be fact?

If a child experiences a neat slice through the end of his fingertip, that tip will grow back — although the ability disappears sometime around the age of 12. Cynthia Graber

Could it be that by the age of 12 we have seen enough evidence in the world to cement our belief that fingers don't grow back?

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In Conclusion

In the end the power of our belief comes down to how much control we have over our minds. And let's be frank, most of us are but amateurs in the art of controlling our thoughts. Especially in the face of a trusted doctor or optician who tells us our condition can only be rectified by spending more money.

Could it be that simple mediation and a mastery of the mind is all that is required to maintain optimum health? Personally I feel as if the answer to this question is a resounding yes. It's just that few of us are able to achieve this.

It would appear we have barely scratched the surface of understanding the true power of our minds and how we can use them better to regulate our bodies and I look forward to practicing what I have learned on myself...


For those of you who enjoyed this article it is very likely you will also enjoy M. Night Shyamalan’s recent film 'Split' starring James McAvoy, who does a great job at playing a total of 24 identities, some of whom prove to be a little extreme in nature.


Amongst other things the film explores the way in which strength can vary in DID patients, suggesting that if one alter believes their body to be supernaturally strong they must therefore have the ability to physically manifest this supernatural strength, regardless of how big their muscles are! Queue the next super-villain franchise ;)

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He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

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