Healing Journal Days 3 - 6

My extremely active friend @fmatinata is healing a neglected injury at @gardenofeden.

I am recording notes from providing alternative treatments for him here on the blockchain, a holistic testimony for one and all to witness. Infinite thanks to @quinneaker for providing this vortex! 

He has been here since Tuesday (January 24, 2017), but I have reported just 2 days of his healing. Herein, I will report days 3 - 6 to bring myself up to date. 

@fmatinata's broke ass foot. Right ankle is more swollen and less mobile. 

Day 3 program:

  • fermented comfrey tea
  • Reiki
  • yoga
  • massage
  • high vibe food & activated water
  • began hydrogen peroxide therapy at 3 drops/day
  • magnetic copper bracelet


Yoga first thing in the AM, felt fantastic to start the day that way! Focus on seated poses, then he spent some time hanging and spinning on the bamboo trapeze bar in the living room at @gardenofeden. He has overused his left side for almost a year to compensate for his right side injury. 

He compared the day's Reiki treatment to a Japanese electricity bath he experienced on his travels. I've never heard of such a thing; apparently, they zap a current through water in the denkiburo of public bath houses in Japan. He says that the electric force feels stronger as you move to the edge of the tub and weaker in the middle; he reported the same sensation when I gave Reiki over different points of his foot and ankle. 

He says that his foot hurts when he is not wearing the magnetic bracelet, so he's been wearing it all the time. 

Massaged the dense scar tissue of his foot, ankle, and shin. I think we need to employ @everlove's ninja massage hands to break up some of this...

High vibe diet, including eating young, tender aloe leaves and garden grown sweet potatoes. Ginger, lime, & yellow dock activated water.

35% food grade hydrogen peroxide taken internally increases oxygen levels of the blood and stimulates the immune system. We're giving him every boost we know! 

His brother returned to Florida today, and from there will go to Australia. They are super close and usually travel together, but he is focusing on healing while his brother continues his walkabout. I wonder how this affects his mental and emotional planes...

Warm yummy drinks. 

Day 4 program:

  • fermented comfrey tea water
  • yoga
  • Reiki
  • magnetic copper bracelet
  • hydrogen peroxide therapy, 3 drops/day
  • sun crystal bath
  • Tibetan bowls sound healing
  • drawing


The maidens of @gardenofeden catered 5 course mouthgasms at an event in Plano on this day, leaving @fmatinata alone with @rileyechard for most of the day. Because he hadn't been feeling pain in his foot with the magnetic copper bracelet on, he decided to practice his backflips and handsprings on the trampoline. He missed the landing, and fell on the metal part of the trampoline, bruising his back. 

He took this as a sign that he needs more rest and doesn't need to push himself. 

We did pranayama (4 purifications) and light stretching. 

He ate lots of aloe and did an almost 24 hour raw food fast. 

We did a mega healing session with @everlove playing Tibetan bowls while I gave Reiki to his foot. As energy is unlimited by space and time, we used this healing vortex to share distance healing with our people around the world. Felt great: super connected, fluid, high vibes.

Comfrey leaves and root.

Day 5 program:

  • fermented comfrey tea water
  • yoga
  • Reiki
  • magnetic copper bracelet
  • hydrogen peroxide therapy, 4 drops/day
  • tarot reading by @loveon
  • agni hotra


He's taking off the magnetic copper bracelet for a period of time each day.

Eating raw foods, including garden greens and herbs. Henbit & cilantro activated water with plum slices. 

Pranayama (4 purifications) and stretching in the sunshine on the dodecagonal deck in the garden, which melted seamlessly into a long meditation session. Some poses are too much strain on the foot (like hero's pose sitting on feet). 

@everlove gave a shoulder then foot massage, and later gave a "walking" massage where she stepped on his back. 

Overall reports less pain and more flexibility. Also very talkative about feeling more peaceful, freer, and less stress than he experienced in Florida. 

@everlove works her magic

Day 6 program:

  • dried comfrey tea
  • yoga
  • Reiki
  • magnetic copper bracelet
  • high vibe food & activated water


We did a modified primary series for yoga practice today, along with the 4 purifications for pranayama. It was awesome in the sunshine! @fmatinata fell asleep in savasana and only woke up when the shadows from the setting sun made him cold. Success!

He's eating aloe and pecans from the trees. Today's activated water has henbit, cilantro, plum slices, and rosemary. 

The dogs love him, and it has been documented that pets aid healing. We also jam pretty regularly in addition to focused sound healing sessions, which is awesome.

Reiki is the next item on the healing agenda for today, which I will give after making this post. :)

Jam sesh.

💛 Sara! 

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