Healing Journal Days 8 - 14

@fmatinata has been at the @gardenofeden for 2 weeks, and he is improving every day in our healing vortex. I'm recording my observations as we treat his foot with alternative options for wellness.

It's worth discussing wtf we mean by "healing". I deal in alternative and unconventional options to the mainstream medical monopoly, and there's a high degree of self-reliance and sustainability in that. @quinneaker is a master of health with a perspecitve that shifted my entire paradigm of health: the human body is designed to thrive, and anyone can access it. We're encouraging alignment with wellness! 

We are measuring improvement based on pain, mobility, flexibility, scar tissue, and stamina for standing/running/jumping/tree climbing/etc, but we also address mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of existence. We don't have fancy diagnostic equipment at our disposal, so every day I sharpen my senses and analytical abilities to provide the best services I can. 

Does he feel like life is better on every front? If every day is better than the day before, I deem it a success. It's really up to him to determine when he's done mending his foot, as we are simply facilitating a space for his own body to activate its innate healing power. 

Day 8 program:

  • yoga
  • Tibetan bowls
  • sungazing
  • massage
  • play
  • tea & activated water
  • well shower
  • magnetic copper bracelet


@fmatinata is a seriously playful dude. When he's not crippled, he spends like 8 hours a day climbing trees. He has been mindful of taking rest here, but he's also antsy to play. He is climbing with upper body only and spends time playing on the rings and bamboo bar. It turns out he also likes to lose to me in wrestling. I carry him on my shoulders sometimes for my own sustainable workout.

We did pranayama (4 purifications) and yoga on the dodeck; we practiced handstands. 

We have an outdoor well shower in our ecovillage. The water comes out of the ground at 55 degrees all year round. It's a total blessing in the heat of summer, and can be a brisk shock in winter. This was a warm enough day to enjoy a cold, refreshing outdoor shower.

Today's water featured cilantro, lime, and henbit. The tea had lemon balm, lavender, honey, and almond milk. 

Day 9 program:

  • pranayama on bamboo bar
  • massage
  • hot rock 
  • Reiki
  • magnetic copper bracelet


Heavy focus on massage and Reiki today. Massage on foot, back, hip. @everlove gave Thai massage. Hot rock massage. Drumming massage. All kinds of massage, all. day. long. 

This was the first day I gave full body Reiki in the copper pyramid; he fell asleep for a solid 4 hours. He reported that he woke up several times and felt like I was still in the room so went back to sleep. He reports that it regularly feels like my hands are still on him even after the session has ended. 

When he woke, we gave more massage and Reiki on the foot laying in front of the wood burning stove. 

Day 10 program:

  • Reiki
  • massage
  • magnetic copper bracelet
  • tea & activated water


It's interesting for me that when I focus on healing, people who need it come out of the woodwork for advice and services. It's great for me because I love to share what I know! I'm extremely grateful to help others by sharing my passions; I get to do what I love, someone else is benefitted, and it helps me maintain focus on what's really important to me.

On this day, a friend from India contacted me for Reiki on his throat chakra. Because it can be programmed to do anything, I sent it during my session with @fmatinata while he held a piece of lapis lazuli. This may have been the only Reiki session where he didn't fall asleep! 

Double massage by the wood burning stove: @everlove worked on his feet & legs while I did head, neck, and shoulders. 

Activated water with henbit, cilantro, lime slices, and oregano. Tea had henbit and chocolate mint and was excellent.

Day 11 program:

  • yoga
  • deeksha
  • tea & activated water


Great yoga session on the deck, we played a lot with arm balances. 

The Eden Knights had a seriously intense garden workout, and he contributed as he could. 

Deeksha is a oneness blessing, another energy transfer that I can pass it to a group of people in the same amount of time it usually takes to do a single Reiki session on one person. After this very long and physical day, many of us were sore, so I chose to do deeksha on everyone instead of just Reiki on @fmatinata

Getting our smudge on.

Day 12 program:

  • Reiki
  • Tibetan bowls
  • agni hotra
  • sage smudge
  • massage
  • play


This was a heavy play day, as we had a most epic wrestling match. 

We then laid out a nice bed by the green onion and garlic garden with hematite, selenite, and orgonite, smudged the area with sage, and @everlove gave a lower body treatment while I did Reiki. She cupped sage over his ankle and provided a foot and leg massage with a ruby wand. He fell asleep. 

Naturally flowed into agni hotra at sunset. 

He's a fan of fasting and has gone almost 3 days without eating. 

Day 13 program:

  • N/A


His dad is in town from Miami, so @fmatinata has not been here all day. If he returns, I will give him Reiki and a solid thrashing in wrestling. 

The feet are related to the root chakra, the seat of safety and survival. From ages 0 - 7, this chakra is dominant in the human being; it is essentially being wired at these ages, and whatever programs are running now will continue to play out throughout the individual's life, usually subconsciously. The parents and family have substantial influence on this chakra. A foot injury is a great opportunity to address dysfunctional family programming, as well as one's sense of security. The feet are representative of moving forward in life. It has been interesting to observe @fmatinata speak of the pressure to live a "normal" life he feels from his family in Florida vs. the peace and freedom he feels at the @gardenofeden, and to witness some shifts in his perspective. 

Day 14 program:

  • Reiki
  • comfrey root
  • yoga


He said that he was able to walk and carry a luggage back with his dad yesterday, which is a huge improvement! Every day, he reports improvement: increased mobility and flexibility, less pain and longer pain-free periods. He still does not jump or run, and does not climb trees with the same all-out effort he usually gives. 

His scar tissue is significantly reduced up the shin, but still feels dense around the ankle. He is highly motivated and attends most of the things we teach him on his own. 

During Reiki, the ankle felt very irritated, which he contributes to overuse (lots of walking) with his dad yesterday. We applied grated comfrey root to soothe. 

Notes to self: 

What if everyone was treated this way? What if we took tender loving care of all of our loved ones every single day and made health a priority? What would society look like if health and healthcare was not fear-based and threatening, but embraced as an opportunity for conscious evolution? 

All of this is a super blast to do! Someone like Frankey is already interested in and focused on his health, and he's super receptive to alternative treatments. There is no resistance to overcome, no convincing we need to do. I don't have any interest in using my energy to challenge doubts, so it's a blessing to have someone receive so openly.

One of my favorite quotes by @quinneaker is "Stop fucking around", and it's resonating in my head lately - listen! Infinite thanks to Quinn, a master teacher who has greatly expanded my awareness in many more dimensions than just health, who provides a space for us to engage and explore alternatives.  

💛 Sara!

Om sri dhanvantre namaha

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