How to Yoga - A Pose A Day: Backbend

Good day, Steemians!

And what a bright, beautiful day it IS!

You have ignited me, dear Steemit,

with your thoughtful content

and your community building

and your cryptcurrency that bypasses central banks

that will lead us all into a glorious new dawn of freedom!

In thanks for the neural explosion and expansion 

you have inspired within me,

I want to contribute something of great value:

one of the best treasures I have to offer is yoga.

I gift you this, that you may partake of its precious gems,

or at least step away from the computer for 30 seconds 

to enjoy a delicious stretch and rejoice in your body.

With great appreciation:

 This is Backbend 

AKA Upward Bow Pose 

AKA Wheel Pose 

AKA Urdhva Dhanurasana in Sanskrit 

(urdhva = upward, dhanu = bow, asana = posture/pose) 

AKA Chakrasana in Sanskrit 

(chakra = wheel, asana = pose/posture) 

Perfection is in perspective.

Backbend is a blessing.

Backbend is an inversion.

Backbend is a heart opener.

When I started practicing yoga, 

Backbend hurt and I dreaded it. 

Then I noticed that the anticipation

was more stressful than the pose itself

so I laid down my dread, 

ceased resistance,

and enjoyed where I was at.

It's taken me years to get to this point, and I can still find flaws--

IF that is where my Virgo mind wants to focus.

OR I could relish in the opening of the shoulders,

the strength in the back,

the flexibility of the body,

the stimulation of the organs,

and just how far I've come. 

Backbend expands the chest

and stimulates the green heart chakra = 

Anahata in Sanskrit = unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten


It is a choice to say yes or no, 

to succeed or fail,

to dread or rejoice.

"Be one in self-harmony, in Yoga, and arise 

great warrior, arise!" so sayeth the Bhagavad Gita.


  • From laying on the back, bend your knees and draw your feet towards the sit bones, soles on the floor. 
  • Place palms of hands next to ears, fingers pointed towards feet.
  • Inhale and press the hands and feet into the floor, lift the pelvis, and roll up.
  • Engage the thighs to keep the knees at hip distance.
  • Pull the elbows in towards the body.
  • Lift the hips; lift the chest.
  • Lift the chest.
  • Lift the chest.
  • Are you lifting your chest?

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Try again when you are ready.

💛 Sara!

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