How to YOGA - A Pose A Day: Child's Pose

Good day, Steemians!

I'm really grateful to be with you today.

There's so much to learn! There's so much to do! 

There's so much to change, and what a blessing it is that change is possible!


I want to offer something valuable in thanks 

for the inspiration and enrichment you've brought to my life:

Yoga has gifted me countless treasures, so I bring yoga to share with you.

This is Child's Pose

AKA Balasana in Sanskrit

(bala = child, asana = pose/posture)

You are not too cool to get in this "easy" pose.

I used to think that child's pose showed weakness,

and I fought against dropping to my knees in ashtanga - 

until I got so lightheaded I had no choice but to fall to the ground.

Then I gave thanks for the full, unfailing support of the Earth

and looked at my ego's "failure".

Child's pose ignites a paradigm shift.

Child's pose doesn't judge.

Child's pose is nurturing.

Child's pose is basic.

Child's pose is surrender. 

Surrender challenges me - I do NOT like to lose. 

But I learned

surrender is not "loss".

surrender is not "giving up".

surrender is not "defeat".

Surrender is letting go.

Surrender honors a higher power and a greater purpose.

Surrender shows the loud, limited ego how to cool it

so the body/mind can receive the Spirit. 

Surrender is ishvara pranidhana, where perspective changes 

from "what can I get out of this?" to

"what can I offer?"

This is not a competition - this is a present.


  • From kneeling on all fours, push sit bones back towards heels.
  • Extend arms in front of you. 
  • Rest your third eye on the ground.
  • Drop everything.

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Emerge rested, relaxed, and recreated when you are ready. 

You can always come back.

💛 Sara! 

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