How to Yoga: Butterfly

Good day, Steemians!

I enjoy Steemit more and more each day,

there are new opportunities around every digital corner!

My evolution has been greatly accelerated

because this revolutionary platform

brings so many loose ends together for me.

It's a delight to be part of this emerging community!

In thanks, I want to bring my most prized treasure:

I gift you yoga in sincere thanks for all you have given me,

and I wish that you are healthy and happy!

This is Butterfly

AKA Cobbler Pose

AKA Bound Angle Pose

AKA Baddha Konasana in Sanskrit

(badha = bound, kona = angle, asana = pose/posture)

There is always potential for reformatting.

Butterfly is transformation.

Butterfly is metamorphosis.

Butterfly is a reason I practice yoga.

I shied away from yoga for a very long time,

because my hips hurt too bad

and I thought I'd look goofy

and blah blah blah.

But I tried anyway.

I couldn't do impressive pretzel moves,

but I could sit in butterfly

for hours on end,

and it felt incredible 

so I did.

and lo! Slowly slowly 

my hip pain melted away 

until--miracle of miracles--it was gone completely!

My reality was completely redefined.

I was not broken, unable, or doomed--

little by little, I released what held me back.

Butterfly is unfurling glory of the impossible manifest.

I testify to the power of this simple pose.


  • From seated with legs extended in front, draw heels towards sit bones. 
  • Bring feet as close to the body as feels comfortable, grasping the toes.
  • Press the knees towards the floor, as close as feels comfortable. 
  • Inhale length into the spine and extend through the crown of the head.
  • Exhale and fold forward if it feels good, drawing the chest towards the feet.
  • Transform that which no longer serves you.

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Repeat as needed. 

💛 Sara!

P.S. Check out that sweet custom Steemit shirt! 😍

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