How to Yoga - Down Dog

Good day, Steemians!

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on creating the new." -- Socrates

Many, many thanks to the devs for upgrading the Steemit editor. You guys rock!
Wahoo, this is almost as exciting as our booked flights to Amsterdam for Steemfest!!

I've been an active and consistent Steemian for over 2 months,
and jeez louise what a ride it's been!
I never had a reason to really appreciate coding or technology before,
but now I see--it's completely paradigm shifting!
Now that I know there's an alternative to central banks,
I'm ignited by the potential for cryptocurrency.
We're building a new economy built on values!

In my time here,
I've improved my communication skillz
and learned about fascinating topics.
I've made new friends and strengthened my community
through passion and focus.
I've learned to let my ego down and receive guidance and suggestions
better than I ever have before. I give infinine thanks for the many hours
and endless patience that my mentor invested with me
in learning this new game.

Steemit has become a way I practice yoga.
It's wonderful to have something to return to daily
to measure improvement and growth!
I'm immensely grateful for all the support I've received
here for the value I contribute.

And now, @everlove and I get to go to Steemfest!!!!
I've committed to the revolution and I preach the Steemit to one and all,
so this will be an epic celebration, a dream come true,
a wonderful thanks giving, and a chance to share and exchange
inspiration, vision, and motivation.

In reverence for a great couple of months,
I'm going to return to one of the first poses I shared here.
Returning to fundamentals illuminates progress;
small, steady changes add up to significant shifts.

May you be your best and brightest!

This is DOWN DOG

AKA Downward Facing Dog  

AKA Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit 

(adho = downward, mukha = face, svana = dog, asana = pose)

Check the foundation you're building upon.

Down dog is classic;
it is practiced hundreds and thousands of times
in regular, consistent practices.
It is a vital element in sun salutations
and transitions (vinyasa).
It is fundamental as a full-body opener and strengthener.

At one time, down dog was a real challenge for me;
now, I look forward to it as the "resting" pose in which
to catch my breath and restore my rhythm
when I choose physically demanding practices.

This is a pose to really rejoice in the whole body,
including all those teeny tiny parts that often get overlooked.
Every part can get a full, yummy stretch!
Feel strength and the full support of the Earth.

This is a time to celebrate how far you've come.
Relish the journey and give thanks for change!
Appreciate yourself as you put in the effort
towards becoming your highest self.

How to DOWN DOG:

  • Walk/jump feet to back of mat. You're making a triangle between your body and the ground!
  • Feet hip width apart; hands shoulder width apart. 
  • Spread the digits.
  • Root down through the palms of the hands, activating all your fingers. Creases of the wrists aligned with each other.
  • Root down through the feet, growing long all down the back of the legs. It doesn't make any difference if your heels contact the floor; stretch into it like you're going for it.
  • Weight is evenly distributed between hands and feet. Upper and lower body is actively engaged as if you're trying to push the mat apart.
  • Lift the quads towards the sky.
  • Roll the shoulders open.
  • Feel the extension in the back body.
  • Focus on the navel.
  • If you freak out or it's too intense, drop your knees. It's really not a big deal!

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Again: "The pose starts when you want to leave it." -- BKS Iyengar

💛  Sara! ૐ

We make custom Steemit gear!
Thank you @everlove for the lovely photography, and thank you @quinneaker for living YOGA! 


Did you get your ticket for STEEMFEST yet? Reserve your spot in Yoga!

Thank you @quinneaker & @roelandp for making my dream to teach at STEEMFEST a reality! 

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