How to Yoga - Extended Side Angle Pose

Good day, Steemians! 

The offering of wisdom is better than any material offering...for the goal of all work is spiritual wisdom. -- Bhagavad Gita

One of my favorite things about Steemit 
is how much there is to learn.
Through this site, I have access to great minds 
who have introduced me to realms I didn't even know existed!
I love how quickly learning can be done
when we share perspectives,
although the learning process is never really done.
I offer my wisdom in thanks; I know many
healing modalities, and I realize that these fields 
may be as unfamiliar to some as 
cryptocurrency was to me mere months ago!
When I share my experience with another receptive individual,
s/he can enjoy improvements 
in their own health and wellness,
and then they can go on to teach another how to get better too!
It's the greatest thing ever!
I give thanks for the shared resources of Steemit,
and I present my knowledge to add value:

This is Extended Side Angle Pose

AKA Utthita Parsvakonasana

(utthita = extended, parsva = side/flank, kona = angle, asana = pose/posture)

Extended Side Angle Pose builds stamina and endurance.

I have a confession to make:
I don't like this pose.
It's an intense stretch in the groins, ankles, and torso
and requires significant strength in the legs.

I sometimes forget to engage my entire body,
because individual parts of me start screaming
and other parts collapse when I divert my attention
to tend the noisy bits.
This pose makes me feel like I'm going to fall in on myself,
and I don't like feeling that vulnerable.

In fact, I dislike the discomfort of this pose so much 
that I rarely incorporate it into my self practice 
unless I'm doing a proper primary series.
I am now addressing my avoidance.

I know from experience that physical and 
mental challenges hold significant potential 
for spiritual reward.
Aversion causes as much suffering as attachment,
and my goal in this lifetime is to be free of suffering,
so I confront my distaste and get to practice.

The poetry of yoga is that any pose
offers vast riches depending on the approach;
mind, body, and/or soul are gold mines
while asana is just a tool to explore them all.
I strengthen that which I give my attention to;
perspective will determine my experience.

I overcome dread by facing it,
so I give thanks 
and remind myself that
every breath in this pose is a step closer to freedom.


  • From mountain pose, step the right foot back as wide as possible, planting the foot parallel to the short edge of the mat. 
  • Extend the arms out to the side.
  • Bend the front knee to a 90 ish degree angle.
  • Bending from the waist, drop the left hand to the mat inside or outside of the foot ,and extend the right arm overhead.
  • Gaze turns upward under the right armpit. This encourages chest expansion and twisting the torso open. 
  • Root strongly through the back foot, pushing all the way down the outside of the foot. The body creates a strong, straight line down the side body from foot to fingertips.
  • For more of a challenge, you can go for a bind: left arm comes inside the left leg, reaches under and around the back. Right arm comes down and around the back. Grasp the hands. 
  • For an easier pose, bend the left arm and set the elbow on the left knee.

Breathe in can, breathe out can't. 

💛 Sara!
Thank you @everlove for the photography!
We can make custom Steemit gear fit for a king!


Did you get your ticket for STEEMFEST? Reserve your spot in Yoga!

Thank you @quinneaker & @roelandp for making my dream to teach at SteemFest a reality!

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