How to Yoga - Humble Warrior

Good day, Steemians!

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less." -- C.S. Lewis

I'm relatively selfish;
I do what I want, exclusively.
I used to feel guilty about it,
until my teacher illuminated that
to be selfish is human nature;
the Self has a biological objective
to look out for itself.
The trick is to find an honorable way to be selfish,
and THANK GOD I have found a way!
What I truly, ultimately, deeply want is to
make the world a better place.
When I am motivated by how good
doing good makes me feel,
then I lose myself in selfish service.
Serving a higher purpose grants reprieve
from fruitless self-consumption.
Bhakti is the yoga of love and devotion,
and aligning with those glorious attributes
makes giving a self-sustaining pleasure.
I share yoga with greatest hopes
that it brings love and light into your life,
but ultimately I'm doing it because I like it.
I like it a lot.

This is Humble Warrior

AKA Bound Warrior
AKA Baddha Virabhadrasana
(baddha = bound, vira = hero, bhadra = friend, asana = pose/posture)

Take a bow.

Namaste is said a lot in yoga circles.
It's a greeting in India, and it means
"I bow to you" or
"The Spirit in me honors the Spirit in you" or
"I recognize that the divine spark which exists inside of me
is the exact same spark of divinity that exists inside of you,
and I honor that sameness within us"
or whatever. It's a sign of respect, a moment to really connect
and put your ego aside to feel the bigger picture.

Humble warrior is an opportunity to come into
that same respect and reverence within yourself,
a chance to bow to the divine and
surrender to things exactly as they are now,
perfectly imperfect.
It may feel a bit awkward to come into this position,
physically as well as mentally,
especially if the word "surrender" freaks you out.

However, it is an opportunity for acceptance,
for putting your ego self aside to honor something bigger
than the physical boundaries of your body and mind.
It's a moment to be here now,
just as you are,
raw and real and vulnerable and beautiful.


  • From Warrior I, clasp the hands behind the back. Feel that yummy chest expansion; maybe take a slight backbend if you fancy it.
  • Hinging forward from the waist, bow to the inside of the front knee.
  • Bring the hands towards the sky.
  • Feet are firmly rooted; legs are strong.
  • Crown comes towards the ground.
  • Feel whatever you need to feel.

Breathe in love, breathe out light.

💛 Sara!
Thank you @everlove for the photography!
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