How to Yoga - Marichyasana I = Forward Fold with Bind

 Good day, Steemians! 

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. --Martin Luther King, Jr.

Massive shifts are taking place--
do you feel them?
The USD is losing power,
financial institutions are on the brink of collapse,
and countries are posturing for war.
This can be stressful if you want it to be,
but I say bring it on!
It is high time to level up;
the western world as we know it is unsustainable.
Let's rip apart all the old systems that aren't working
and build something glorious in their place!
Sending children to kill other children for bankers is unacceptable to me;
it's time for the evolution of money and the end of conflict.
Steemit is a new hope for real values.
Opportunity abounds here, and I say
let's get fire-t'up for LOVE!
Keep the inspiration flowing!
My hero reminds me that the revolution begins within,
so I do my best to choose peace within myself day in and day out
...and if I can harness my Hulk-smash rage, anyone can.
This community is brilliant and inspiring and powerful;
let us give all of ourselves; let us hold nothing back!
Let us shine who we really are!

In thanks for infinite potential, I gift yoga towards the cause, because
it grants untold wealth and harmony. May you be strengthened by it!

This is Marichyasana I in Sanskrit

AKA Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi

(marichi = ray of light, asana = pose/posture) 

There are many ways this bind can be done!

In Hindu traditions, Marichi is a sage,
son of Brahma,
leader of the warrior storm gods,
and patriarch of Man. 

In Buddhist traditions, Marichi is the goddess of the dawn
who obliterates the darkness of night.

There are 4 variations of this forward fold with bind
in ashtanga's primary series,
and 8 in advanced series.

So many ways to relate to it;
so simple on one hand,
but maybe more challenging in practice.

Marichyasana stimulates the internal organs,
firing up metabolism.
It is an intense stretch for the shoulders and hips.

Ideally, the sit bones remain in firm contact with the floor,
but we are where we are.
Trying is better than nothing.
We'll get there!

Marichi is waiting when you are ready to go further.


  • From seated with legs extended, bend the right knee and plant the right foot on the floor near the sit bones.
  • Left leg stays engaged with foot flexed.
  • On the inhale, lean forward from the waist and reach the hands towards the left foot.
  • Exhale, sweeping the arms out to the side, around the right knee, and behind the body. 
  • Clasp the hands in a bind, or rest them along the lower back if you're not there yet. 
  • Draw the shoulder blades down the back.
  • Maintain extension in the upper body and bring the head towards the knee, bending from the hip creases.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

"A still more glorious dawn awaits: not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise." --Carl Sagan

💛 Sara!

Thank you @everlove for the photo & for ever loving
We can make custom Steemit Ts fit for a king--thanks @quinneaker!

P.S. I'm teaching yoga at Steemfest on Sunday, November 13!
All rewards between now and then will help me get to Amsterdam!

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