How to Yoga - Satya (Truth)

Good day, Steemians!

And of all the things I fear, it isn't now and it isn't here. -- Nahko

^^^that's how I feel inside^^^
This is a most excellent life, and I'm celebrating,
but I'm getting drunk on the possibilities that lay before me.
This is the time to clarify and step up,
to do what I do better than I've ever done it before.  
There is so much that can be done to contribute
to the success of Eden 2.0;
everything I've ever done has been leading up to this,
and I want to serve and contribute as best I can.
This is @quinneaker's vision, which guarantees its success,
and I'm blessed to be part of it!
I want to add value in thanks for this incredible opportunity!
I'm so excited that my energy is bursting all over the place:
FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS is my mantra.
Oh god, I need to let off some serious steem
so I don't explode.
I just powered up here on Steemit,
and how metaphoric that is for my bigger picture--
time for slow and steady commitment to long term investments.
One step at a time so every move is from heart centered SUCCESS,
not dysfunctional fear or pressure or burden.
Every moment is a reminder to align with the ultimate goal
and let the other shit go.
Oh god, I guess I'm ready or this wouldn't be happening!!
Oh god, just come back to yoga.
Yoga will hold me all together.
Yoga never fails.
Ok yoga, let's get it!

If this has a name, I don't know what it is.

You don't have to know how to express within the confines of language
to reap the benefits of moving your body.

I learned this sweet move from Danny Paradise at Andrew Eppler's studio;
they are legit OG yogis in the western ashtanga world.
Danny Paradise was the first to tell me they practiced yoga in ancient Egypt (Kemet).

There is an ancient Egyptian goddess named Ma'at
who represents TRUTH, BALANCE, and JUSTICE.
She measured the weight of the soul against a feather
to judge its fate in the afterlife, and I think of her in this pose.
It's great for balance, grounding, and getting real.

In yoga, TRUTH = SATYA = non-lying.
It is the second aspect of the yamas (restraints),
the 5-pronged first limb of ashtanga.
Words are incredibly powerful,
but SATYA encompasses more than speech.

Gandhiji liberated India through his commitment to
You can apply radical honesty to your own life
on and off the mat.

Are you really doing your best, or are you just going through the motions?
Are you really capable, or is it just your ego's desire and pretending?
Are you best suited for the task at hand, or is it more beneficial to the whole
to hand it to a more competent member of your team?
Where is your focus?
What are your real goals?

SATYA is valuable off the yoga mat,
because TRUTH will stand.

How to do this Danny Paradise/Ma'at Inspired Pose:

  • Beginning in mountain pose, come into crane = the Karate Kid pose with arms raised and right leg lifted.
  • Cross the right leg behind the left.
  • Take a big inhale and bring space and length to the upper body.
  • Lower as if you are sitting, keeping the arms raised at shoulder height.
  • Hands are in "Egyptian" position; flat palms open towards the sky, wrists bent so hands are parallel to the ground. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

💛 Sara!
Thank you @everlove for the photography!
We can make custom Steemit gear!


Did you get your ticket for STEEMFEST yet? Reserve your spot in Yoga!

Thank you @quinneaker & @roelandp for making my dream to teach at STEEMFEST a reality! Dear Steemians, please help @everlove realize her STEEMFEST dreams too!!

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