How to Yoga - Standing Splits

Good day, Steemians!

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. -- Lao Tzu

Nothing is certain;
anything can happen at any time.
Gripping expectations too tightly smothers possibilities.
Flexibility is a valuable skill to hone,
and not just on the yoga mat--
the mind can bend without breaking,
the body becomes supple,
and the spirit soars beyond rigid rules
when you remain pliable.
Have you ever seen a tree in a windstorm?
While the tree is strong enough to support itself under normal circumstances,
it is its flexibility that allows it to bend without snapping in the storm.
I gratefully share yoga to develop ease, grace,
versatility, and power in the face of adversity,
with highest wishes for your health and wellbeing.

This is Standing Splits

AKA Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana in Sanskrit
(urdhva = upward, prasarita = spread, eka = one, pada = foot/leg, asana = pose/posture)

This is a combination of flexibility and strength.

This is a forward bend, hip opener, inversion, and standing pose.
It can relieve anxiety, stress, depression, and fatigue.
It tones the hamstrings, glutes, and quads.

Forward folds squeeze the innards,
making room for health and vibrancy to flood in on the breath.
Hip openers can release immense tension from the body and mind.
Inversions give the brain a new shot of oxygen-charged blood.
Standing poses activate energy.

As a multi-faceted pose, practicing standing splits
encourages plasticity.
This can be a somewhat challenging pose
for someone who is extremely tight,
or it can be a blessing for developing patience
and drawing awareness to benefits over constraints.

Settling the mind on a single experience
or bodily sensation limits the pose.
Clinging to an expectation to look or feel a certain way
smothers reality; the pose is effective
regardless of how high you lift your leg.

Engaging strength allows an extended reach,
and this dynamic yields a fluid approach
that can be translated to "difficult" situations off the mat.
Encouraging strength is immensely valuable,
and flexibility allows events to unfold without attachment
for greatest enjoyment.


  • From Warrior I, bring the hands to the mat to frame the front foot.
  • Inhale, and shift all the weight into the front foot.
  • Exhale and straighten the front knee while you extend the back foot into the air.
  • Maintain squared hips.
  • Start with the back leg parallel to the ground.
  • Bring length to the leg with each inhale, and extend a little higher with each exhale.
  • Fold the torso over the standing leg.
  • The closer your head comes to your leg, the higher you can extend.
  • Keep the foot active.
  • Can be practiced against a wall for a deeper stretch.

Breathe in love, exhale fear.

šŸ’› Sara!
Thank you @everlove for the photography!
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Reserve your spot for Yoga at STEEMFEST!

Thank you @quinneaker & @roelandp for making my dream to teach at SteemFest a reality!

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