Let the Show Begin!

Here's how it started, yesterday, on the first day of an experiment in will power, food choice restriction, and being incredibly uncomfortable.
Baseline measurement the day before this started:
To inspire the greatest results in 2 weeks I'm not going anywhere NEAR this measuring device until day 14, when I will share the results with all of you.

The goal in this endeavor is not a particular weight loss target; instead, the goal is to stick to the plan parameters and see where those protocols take us.

Two weeks sounds like, feels like, and looks like a reasonable amount of time to stick to the plan.
If the results are amazing, hopefully the rule of habit will come into play and we'll see where that takes us...

A quick recap:
Food: Chicken, spinach (topped with salad dressing and mozzarella cheese), white onions, protein shakes blended with frozen berries.
As much as I want, but ONLY those foods.

Showers: COLD. Not lukewarm; I mean you turn the handle and leave it when the shower gets to full strength.

Drinks: Water only.

Home Temperature: 59 Fahrenheit.
One addition is hot sauce on the chicken and white onions.

Two benefits discovered were improved taste (as expected), and I found that when your mouth is on fire you are distracted from the hunger in your stomach; # winning!

First challenge encountered:
Waking up to a chilly home makes you want to stay in your soft, warm bed...

So I did, for a little while.
Removing my body from its wonderfully warm cocoon I appreciated how cold the temperature transition was. Quite uncomfortable.
After shivering while brushing my teeth, I tried something to shake off that freezing feeling:
I sprinted up and down the stairs for nearly a minute, until I was short of breath.
The exertion kicked up my body temp and I no longer felt so chilled.
Looks like wind sprints on stairs every time I wake up for the next two weeks!

This crazy plan comes with cardio benefits 😀

The cold shower was taken at the health club I go to, and what an experience that was; not just for me, but anyone else within earshot.
I'll describe how that went in a moment.

First, I should preface this health club experience with the incorporation of a sauna, steam room, and hot tub in order to stimulate the activation of heat shock proteins (HSP).

When humans, particularly males, are exposed to heat (for example, in a sauna) some studies suggest an increase in both growth hormone and testosterone. Increased testosterone levels promote fat loss, hence the addition of heat exposure to this experiment. How much these variables will increase the desired outcome is unknown, particularly given that the temperature and exposure times are not controlled.

Regardless, they're good for you and they feel awesome.

This information comes from Dr. Rhonda Patrick on the Joe Rogan podcast.
Back to the cold shower:
If you EVER want to flush your mind of ALL your thoughts, take a really cold shower. Trust me.
You get in, and when that water covers your head and body, you'll have ZERO thoughts, only the sensation of your entire body being very upset with you.

Unexpected reaction: Hyperventilating, modified to very deep, very LOUD breathing. I'm sure someone thought I was having a heart attack.
Curiously, I discovered my visual acuity increased, perhaps from an adrenaline dump as my body went into fight or flight mode.
My determined, loud breathing carried on throughout the length of the shower, and when I got out I felt AMAZING.

Perhaps from accomplishing my goal, perhaps from an endorphin rush my body triggered in response to pain, perhaps from all the deep breathing.
Or maybe I was just relieved to be out of that bloody shower.

Either way, an awesome experience I actually look forward to tackling again.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about being hungry all day, how when you find your mind wandering it invariably finds itself thinking about food.

Like right now.

I'll share with you coping techniques in that arena.

Right now I'm going to go eat some spinach.

Happy New Years everyone!

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