Why YOU Should Drink More Water - 10 Benefits And Tips

Yes, I know. We've all heard that "You should drink more water! It's healthy for you!"
And most of you have probably tried it and then gave up at some point.

But with this post, I want to actually show you the huge benefits of drinking water!

This is what 1 month of drinking 3 liters of water does to your body ...

1) It helps you lose weight.

Especially when drinking one glass of water right before your meal, you can reduce the feeling of hunger.

2) It lessens wrinkles.

Skin that is dehydrated tends to have more wrinkles, which can be visibly reduced when drinking enough.

3) It improves your brain efficiency.

When our brain is nurtured with enough water, you can work faster and more efficiently, as well as think more clearly.

4) It makes your skin clearer.

Toxins are being flushed out of your body, that would cause breakouts or inflammations.

5) It lessens muscle pain.

Often, muscles and joints are hurting because they are dehydrated.

6) It makes you more awake.

The number one reason for fatigue is Dehydration! You might be able to skip coffee if you stick to lots of water.

7) It improves your liver function.

When your liver is provided with lots of water, it manages to clean your blood even more efficiently.

8) It improves your digestion.

Drinking enough water helps make your digestion process more efficient.

9) It makes your immune system stronger.

Your body's defence mechanisms work more efficiently if your body is provided with enough water.

10) It improves your mood!

Often, we don't realize that Dehydration is the reason for mood swings or headache.

In Addition to that, it's sometimes also important when you drink your water:

  • Drink 2 glasses of water right when you wake up in the morning.
    Your body needs this to fight the fluids he lost during the night.
  • Before your meal, drink a big glass of water (1/2 liter).
    This way, you give your pancreas enough water to neutralize the stomach acid. It can also help reduce the hungry feeling, as mentioned above.
  • Drink only very little or nothing directly after a meal.
    If you drink lots of fluids after a meal, it thins down the stomach acids too much, making your digestion slower.
  • Drink a lot of water 2.5 hours after a meal.
    At this point, a lot of your meal has been digested and is ready to be transported through your bowel.
  • Drink a lot of water before your workout.
    Your body needs water to make sure you are performing at your best potential. If you don't drink enough prior to your workout, and then you lose too much through sweating, your body is in a water deficit which may lead to  a poor performance.

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