IBD Crohn desease and Ulceritive collitis. what are they, self diagnose, self treat and more.

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Inflammatory bowel disease IBD Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis UC:

IBD is the term for the condition under which both Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis fall. But there is, of course, much more to that. The main difference comes down to the maladies in the gastrointestinal (GI) and that affect the most, as to how each disease responds to treatments, and how you should be treated them. Let's start of with what the symptoms are for you to be able to self diagnose before it gets out of control. The sooner you diagnose them the best your life quality will be. As always the 3 golden rules that are dominating Arts are dominant in our daily lives as well. Analyze criticize then act, so let's start by analyzing.


Symptoms are very similar, and you will need a professional diagnosis and probably an endoscopy or colonoscopy, to distinguish which one might be your case if you have some or all of the below symptoms, you should consider to pay a visit to a Gastroenterologist. (Gastro = Stomach + Entero = intestine ) if you where wondering why they didn't come up with something fancier

  • Pain, swelling or cramping in the tummy ( you need to understand that pain can be reflective. Intestines cover a big portion of our bodies and you might having a reflective pain on your back out of it).
  • Recurring or bloody diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Extreme tiredness

When you are on a flare, depending how severe, your disease is. You might have crippling pains or minor annoyances. Whichever the case when the pain starts even if it is a small annoyance it is a sign from your body that you should be careful. It is probably flaring up. You have to relax and watch your diet. Diet is the one of the most important aspects of your fight against IBD's and it should not be treated lightly, I will be talking about the proper diet which is a seasoning thing and you can skip a strict diet when your flares are long gone, But some food are forbidden and you should avoid them for all means. As over my 22 years of being a patient I will start of the don't rather than do's as I find that way more important for a healthy lifestyle.

Food's you need to avoid at all causes:

  • Oranges
  • Milk
  • Raw vegetables
  • Beans
  • Fat
  • Pork, lamp and every meat that it isn't beaf.
  • Acidics (vinegar and so on)
  • Spices of all kinds

Food you need to include in your daily diet:

  • Beaf ( it is really crucial for your diet your last hope to gain waight as this is one of the few means you will have to receive the necessery proteins for your body).
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Low fat cheese (do not overdo it though. it is still milk, but processed with lower concentration of fats than usually).
  • Fishes
  • Peaches (pealed of always)
  • Bananas (deep inside we are still monkeys. this is a magic fruit for humans).
  • Rice (of all types)
  • Pasta ( spaghetti tortellini, all of them actually)
  • Noodles

Criticizing your condition:

A crucial step to self treatment, you will get to live your lives with that, you will have to understand what your limitations are, what flares you up, what helps you recover. This is not an easy task you need to take notes, mental or not but you have to analyze everything, from what to eat or who pissed you off. You need to learn how to fight anxiety social awkwardness. You need to understand that external aspects can affect you severe. Do not allow to your selves to keep unexpressed your feelings, and find a way to express them for whatever it takes. Either that is a dialogue with the person that created this awkward situation that makes you feel anxiety or be creative and find some hobbies that can relax you while they can express your inner worries. Painting, knitting, cooking, traveling, reading, anything that can help you be relieved of anxiety and stress. Stress is a killing factor, you don't need it, stress should be send back to the person that is trying to force it to you.

Either that is your boss your mother or father or anyone, with dialogue. Explain them what the situation is and remain calm. It is not your fault if your boss needs the job done by yesterday it is his for not making preparations sooner.

This paragraph won't be mentioned in any medical book or research but take my word and avoid the below devil machines.
Air condition's Burn them, demolish them with hammers. throw them to the garbage or give them away. You should not expose your self to fast and wide (above or less 10-12 Celsius ) temperature changes for whatever the reason. If you have to, never go 5-6 degrees Celsius more or less from your surroundings.


You need to work out. Your intestine will start to process food better and that is all there is to it. Running, bicycling any most importantly swimming or any athletic activity will help you the most, to achieve the highest of standards for your life quality. Diet is important, but to let the stress out of your body on a daily basis with some work out, should be something you need to introduce to your life style. This will have the greatest impact as a side helper for the first two mentioned categories. You will gain the energy you are losing and you will be helping your intestine to work better by the constant movement your body will be in.

You do not have an excuse to not work out, if that guy can

then you can do it as well.
Blake Beckford: is an IBD warrior, he is trying to raise awareness for that matter. He is an inspiring individual. And if you are suffering and you thing you had enough, he is the guy to make you keep going and never quit.

Keep smiling, surround your life with good vibes and lovely friends. Don't lose focus to what is important and what is not in your lives. Health is the number one factor.
I am going to bed with some open domain music to relax. And dream of my next project.

You have a life to dream for. You should be doing whatever you can for that.

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