Mudras: simple and effective yoga for fingers to rejuvenate and strengthen health

Yoga becomes very popular in recent days. The reason is not just fashion but the result it gives to those who practices it. At the same time an average man can't do easily all these various body postures

Examples of difficult yoga poses
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because they require certain skills and abilities. After first time of yoga exercises many people understand that expectation is not reality!


But Yoga is not only body poses!

We know that our body is a complex mechanism of energy, that is closely related to the energy of the Earth and the solar system. That means that we can do yoga not only for our body but also for fingers of hands and this will also work though the result will be less than in traditional yoga. Besides, hand mudras are much easier to do and can be practices everywhere, for example while you are on your way to work or home!

Let's discover 10 most important hand mudras:

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Mudra of Knowledge or Gyan Mudra

  • improves memory and with regular practice students can improve grades and intelligence
  • helps in meditation and concentration and reduces negativity of the mind
  • aids in alleviating headache, insomnia and hypertension and reduces anger

Mudra of Air or Vayu Mudra

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  • relieves air related affections, like Arthritis, Gout, Sciatica, Knee pain, and Gas
  • reduces neck pain and spinal pain.

The Mudra of Emptiness or Shoonya Mudra

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  • strengthens gums and is helpful in throat problems and thyroid disease
  • makes the bones stronger and is beneficial in heart disease
  • helps in reducing ear pain and watering of the ears
  • it can benefit in hardness of hearing if it is done for 1 hour daily

Mudra of Earth or Prithvi Mudra

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  • gives energy and lustre to the body
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system and reduces the deficiency of vitamins
  • helps to cope with body weakness, thinness and also obesity

Mudra of Life or Prana Mudra

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  • reduces hunger pangs and thirst during fasting
  • helps in bringing on sleep in insomnia
  • improves eyesight, raises body resistance to disease, reduces deficiency of vitamins, removes tiredness

Mudra of Digestion or Apan Mudra

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  • helps to get rid of toxines
  • is beneficial in stomach and heart diseases and brings out perspiration
  • relieves constipation, piles, diseases caused by vayu or air, is helpful in diabetes, kidney defects, stoppage of urine and dental problems

Mudra of Heart or Apan Vayu Mudra

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  • removes gas from the stomach, aids in asthma, headache and high blood pressure
  • is helpful for people with a weak heart and is very beneficial for people who have suffered a heart attack

Mudra of the Sun or Surya Mudra

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  • is beneficial in diabetes and liver defects
  • reduces hypertension and cholesterol and builds strength
  • increases body heat and helps in digestion, alances the body, reduces body weight and obesity

Note:Weak persons should not do this mudra for a long time in hot weather!

Mudra of Water or Varun Mudra

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  • is useful in skin diseases, acne and blood defects. It improves facial beauty
  • reduces dryness of the skin and improves skin lustre and softness

Note: Don't do it long time if you suffer from Asthma and respiratory problems

Mudra of Heat or Ling Mudra

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  • helps in cold, coryza, asthma, cough, sinus problems and low blood pressure
  • increases heat in the body and can cause sweating even in winter if done for a long time
  • dries phlegm

Note: Increase intake of water, milk , fruit.

How much time does it take ?

Beginners should perform mudras for at least 10 minutes. Later time can be extended to 0,5-1 hour.

Health is in your arms :)

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