Natural Fat Burning Foods

I spent many years being overweight, in fact after passing my driving test at the age of 18 my weight increased dramatically. I never ever gave a thought to natural fat burning foods, exercise or supplements.

Just like thousands of other people, when at school we did sport and were generally more active and this naturally helped us in keeping the weight down. However, it was not just the weight issue that was a concern, my health had deteriorated to such a level that even a short walk was putting me out of breath.

Below I have highlighted the eight most important steps I have taken to find natural fat burning foods that have improved my lifestyle.

1- Never miss your most important meal: Breakfast is without doubt the most important meal of the day when trying to lose weight. The reason it is the most important meal is because what we start our day with will setup our whole day ahead. If you start the day with high salt or sugar content foods then you will crave them all day.

If you start the day with some high fibre or fruit then your body will ask for more of the same. It is all about educating yourself and your body to only crave good foods.

2- Eating Curries and Spicy foods: I am lucky in that I love spicy food and it has been proven scientifically to raise the metabolism rate which all helps in our fight with weight loss. Spices such as Ginger, Turmeric, Chilli, Cayenne, Mustard, Cinnamon, horseradish and Coriander. These are all good and will certainly help with or quest to find natural fat burning foods.

3- Drink seven litres of water: Throughout the course of the day, aim to drink seven litres of water a day. It is not as hard as it sounds and really does work. By drinking water like this it makes us crave food less and consumes our appetite. In addition, it also improves the digestive system and will flush impurities from our bodies.

4- Under-active Thyroid: An under-active thyroid has been proven to increase weight gain especially in Women.

I have to stress that unless a thyroid condition is treated you may never lose weight, even if you virtually stop eating and eat natural fat burning foods. The best may to treat an under-active thyroid is with an holistic approach and with natural supplements.

5- Have a Cup of Tea: Tea comes into our list of natural fat burning foods because it has fabulous weight loss qualities. Try green tea if you have chance and try to have at least four cups of tea a day.

6- Eat Like a Bird: Well not quite, but you should eat omega-3 fatty acidic foods like nuts, seeds and certain types of fish. Not only do they provide these essential oils they also increase your energy levels.

7- Lack Of Sleep: Did you know that by over-eating interferes with your sleep. If we are looking for natural fat burning foods then it is no good over indulging. When we have eaten to much, especially before bed time then you will be uncomfortable in bed, often tossing and turning to find a comfortable position. Sleep is important, it is what provides us with energy for the next day ahead.

8- Eat lots Of Snacks: The snacks I mean are celery sticks and carrot sticks foods that are natural and are grown in a natural way such as Organic foods.

9- Super Foods: These include Broccoli, Rasberries, Acai Berries, Blackcurrants, Raisons, Sprouts, Salmon, Wheatgrass, Green Tea and Beetroot.

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