Overcome laziness and Shape up your body faster with Kickboxing

Most of us spend a good amount of time on a computer, or a device that usually has you sitting. We all know we have to or should work out, so we do that (not always, but try to). Some choose to go for runs, others to the gym, or do online videos, there really are so many options.

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I will admit that I love to workout and exercise. I have my lull times too. If I miss more than a couple of days for some reason or another then my laziness will kick in. I also am notorious for getting bored of my workouts. I love to have variety, which is why in my home gym (my garage) you will find many different pieces of equipment. However, there is one piece I know that kicks my butt and shapes me up quicker than anything else. That is my boxing bag.

I have always had an interest in using a boxing bag, and I used to have one years ago that was filled with water (honestly it did the job so I won't complain about it), but then I moved and had to get rid of it. It wasn't until about 2 years ago that I started taking classes at a boxing gym using hanging heavy-weight bags. Now, that is fun. It was cardio intense and it felt amazing to punch and kick those heavy bags weighing anywhere from 80 to 100+ lbs. The only thing that got me was the cost I was paying (They had increased their cost a couple hundred dollars by the time I went to renew) and the fact of driving to the location and making one of their classes - which can be hard with a 5 year old around. So, I went in search of a stand and heavy-weight bag that would get me the experience I wanted.

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I know not everyone has the space to have the set-up I do, but like I said you can easily do this with a water weighted (or can fill with sand) free-standing boxing bag. So, I am going to share what I do. I use an app on my phone that allows me to make my workouts. These are the types of things I put in:

  • Combos I want to do (For instance if I want to do a jab then a cross I put Jab cross)
  • Duration of that particular combo
  • Put in another exercise, and another, and another, etc (You get the point)
  • Do I want this to repeat or not (I have so many combos I want to do that I don't bother repeating personally)
  • Add in any music associated that I want associated in the workout


Every app is different if you decide to use a different one, or if you decide not to use one and just have it written. It's really up to you.

I personally do this because I need to stay in the zone. I do this so I can just go without having to read instructions (this app reads to me) and just work my butt off for however long I have it set. I find it helps me stay on track and keep going even when I am so spent from all the workout I am making myself do. If you want to know, the app I use is called Workouts+ (found on the App store for iphones). I have no affiliation with this app I just want to share it because I like it so much and it does exactly what I want it to do. But, do your own research if you want an app and find what works best for you.

Now you may ask, "Why is Kickboxing so good?". For a few reasons:

Kickboxing helps with:

Cardiovascular Fitness

Kickboxing moves (various kicks and punches) in varying intensities can increase the heart rate which will help the heart become stronger healthier.


Kickboxing burns a lot of calories, therefore burning more fat off your body which will get you that toned look quicker. In addition, using the muscles in your arms, abs, legs, back and etc, in order to kick and punch help tone the muscles being used. With varying intensity the muscles will tone and begin to look lean.


Believe it or not, Kickboxing will improve your balance. It is not easy to kick high on the bag properly without being able to balance as well. The actions you use in Kickboxing such as a high kick to the bag, a side kick, multiple kicks up the bag without touching the floor, all of those will need and help improve you balance. Take it easy at first so as to not hurt yourself, but you will definitely continue to develop and improve your balance while regularly doing Kickboxing.


There is more than just one motion in Kickboxing. There are different combos you can try, which can be performed with differing speeds, intensities, etc. After you begin to start using combos it will become noticeable how much coordination that it takes. Plus once you start to move up and down the bag doing those combos and move around the bag (as you would an opponent), your coordination will improve as well.


Although I could've talked about this in toning, I didn't. I wanted to make it its own heading. You build strength by challenging your body, by pushing it past what it is usually doing. You will build strength once you start Kickboxing, but I find that you also build strength by having an opponent (in this case it is a boxing bag of some sort). The action of hitting (punching, kicking, kneeing, etc) that heavy but stable opponent gives you an opposite force that you are putting your energy into. You can choose to get stronger and build your strength just by your varying degree of intensity of hits that connect to that opponent. It is amazing how strong you can get and feel just by increasing how you hit. This does take some time though as you can't just go all out and start hitting with full force against a bag, you can get injured that way. But over time you will keep getting stronger and your punches and kicks will keep getting stronger. You will hit harder, thus get stronger.

So there are the reasons that you should consider Kickboxing. It helps overcome laziness and definitely helps you shape up and tone your body quicker than some other exercises out there.

Please always consult with a physician before beginning, or changing your workout routine to make sure it is safe for you to do so

Hope you enjoyed reading!



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