Autism rates in the USA are frightening however South Korean numbers are worse. Where is the outrage?


Is it related to the extraordinary amount of mandatory vaccines?

Are these kids being damaged by government mandate?

I'm not a doctor so I don't know, but the figures are astonishing. If I had kids there's no way I'd trust the government when it came to their health. The politicians that make these decisions are bought and paid for by the companies that make the vaccines, and in the case of the USA they pretty much have a self regulating vaccine industry!! What is going on.

I have a vaccine damaged nephew and it wasn't until a couple of days when I commented on another Steemit post that I realised how upset I was by it.

He doesn't have Autism per se but he has Aspergers & Tourette's syndrome and prior to MMR he was a happy, funny little fellow who loved chocolate cake.

At the back end of last year he was sectioned for his own good and the good of his parents because of his violent outbursts and the most heartbreaking thing about it was, he asked to be taken away because (in his words) ...........

" I know one day I'm going to really hurt someone and that's wrong"

It's difficult even to write this down as it makes me so angry thinking about it but this needs to get out, too many kids lives are being ruined because there is not enough being said or done about this.

The link above takes you to so many documentaries on YouTube regarding this issue. But the question still begs, where is the outrage?

You can't put your kids in the education system in California now unless they've had the 44 required vaccines before the age of 5!

See the list below.

Seriously this quantity of toxins being injected into kids who have not yet formed properly is insane. Check out this list that carries on the jabs throughout school.

And California has now added mandatory flu jabs yearly too. You must be out of your minds as parents if you are happy with this.

In South Korea 1 in 38 kids now have diagnosed Autism! That's astonishing and to make things worse according to the article below the rates could be higher due to the "shame" attached to having a child diagnosed. Trying to find info on vaccines for children isn't easy but see the attached pdf and you can see they are getting pumped up too.

Autism rates are lower in countries or communities who vaccine children less simple as that. And the infant mortality rate is lower too.

There seems to be untold information out there regarding this subject but not a lot of debate in the mainstream media. Why would this be? Would it be because they rely on so much revenue from big pharmaceutical companies. Why don't the politicians do anything? Well they get nice jobs after they've finished in politics sitting on the boards of the very same companies who's coffers they filled by mandating vaccines when in power!

Parents all over the world need to wake up and research this subject and stop trusting their government is doing the right for their children, because they're not and never will.

Please consider upvoting and resteeming. This is an important message that needs to get out to parents everywhere. And please do some research yourselves. I've only touched the tip of the iceberg in this post.


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