Exploring giving way, investing, and trading crypto tokens to thinking about food and health, games and rewards.
Journey on steemit and with crypto has found myself combining passions of mine though the idea of @virtualgrowth to mostly daily posts that offer to give away tokens and provide market data: Steem, BTS, and Asset Market Update 5/4 and Giveaway for 5/11. Have been thinking of a way to provide some sort of game type of thing for people to improve health that I will present some basic details.
Thinking of coming up with a type of game where users may be rewarded for improving health and rewarded in respect to their own health and in comparison to others as a sort of feedback and motivation. Years ago have been thinking of something where people pick a daily group of food then be scored based on vitamin and nutrition. To be rewarded for the best daily health intake in regards to vitamins and nutrition as well as most improved user to be rewarded for doing a good job while offering information for everyone to better improve their health. Have some accounts that may be used with this idea which could collect posts of users related to health as a recollection while providing some form of gamification and rewards which STEEM earned could be used to fuel this idea with its own reward pool.
As an example one could submit a group of foods for their daily consumption with around a dozen foods which would be scored with respect to vitamin and nutrition daily needs. The ones who put together the healthiest daily menus would be rewarded for such. This would be a way to reward people for being healthier while helping people learn how to eat healthier which I have some knowledge and enjoy doing with a background in Science originally that has evolved into helping numerous people over the course of my life to improve their health through eating better.
Please feel free to provide feedback. Will prepare a sample game of this next week for anyone interested. Will work on preparing some basic rules and scenarios to better explain this idea while working on launching it into a working model.