Before i explain this for benefits of protein, let me first explain the meaning of protein. Proteins are long chains of amino acids, they serve as the important molecules we get from our diets. This acids called Amino acids can be found in many different types of foods, they can be found in vegetables and other leaves but the highest sources of the amino acids are those that come from animals like eggs, meat,etc. Some of its benefits includes;

Pictures from google.

1.Maintains strong bones: When protein is taken in high percentage, it can heal broken bones and prevent bone weakness, fractures by increasing calcium absorption and helping with bone metabolism.
The greatest bone losses occur in people with low protein intake of 16–50 grams per day. Studies has shown that when someone eats a low level of protein, insulin growth factor production is reduced, which in turn has a negative effect on calcium and phosphate metabolism in the bones and bone formation.

2.Helps keeps the Brain Functioning: The human brain is designed in a way that requires a steady supply of amino acids in order to keep focus and a sound mental ability. Concentration and energy levels up. When amino acid is less in the brain, it reduces the mental ability to learn and grasp easily. For students, a good intake of protein can increase your learning capability.

3.Mood Improvement: Do you know that amino acids from foods that contains protein are needed to balance hormones naturally and even control your mood. It can also act as a natural remedy for anxiety.

4.Building Muscles: For the guys and some ladies, know this, enough intake of protein helps build your muscles. The most important time to take protein is after exercise because after exercise, some of the body tissues must have died due to the physical activity during the exercise. So, enough intake of food or drinks that contains protein after exercise will help a lot.

Proper intake of food that contains proteins and a well observed diet will help you to stay longer and feet.

This series of nutrition and your body will be educating, so, stay tuned for more.
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Thank you, Its your boy @wyxlight

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