"Meditation HOW and WHY" - 3 categories of benefits from MEDITATING

Welcome to my 4th part of series "Meditation HOW and WHY - everything you need to know". If you just got here, you can check the previous parts using these links:

  • PART 1: Introduction to meditation and general categories
  • PART 2: Mindfulness meditation technique
  • PART 3: Vipassana meditation technique

Today we will discuss benefits of meditation, and since there are a lot of them and I don't want this post to be too long for you, I will present you with 3 main categories of benefits; physical, mental and spiritual, so here we go...

Mind-body pain relief


With regular practice, your brain will become fresh and sharp. You will notice beautiful things happening to you, here are some of them that I have personally experienced:

  • a decrease of anxiety
  • an increase of happiness and creativity
  • greater development of intuition
  • sharpening of mind and gaining better focus
  • view on difficulties becomes different and problems seem smaller

Connections recovery


I have been meditating for over ten years now but I do remember how my life looked like before and I know from my friends and family who have just started that their health has improved significantly ever since they started meditating. Here is what will happen to your body if you stick to meditation on a daily basis:

  • serotonin production will increase
  • high blood pressure will decrease
  • the immune system will improve
  • tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems will become smaller
  • anxiety attacks will reduce

Inner growth


Practising meditation is not linked to any religion. You do not have to be a Buddhist, Christian or a Hinduist to practise meditation nor do your religious beliefs have to change. Here is what WILL happen:

  • you will start to love yourself more
  • you will start to love the world around you more
  • you will recognize yourself as an inseparable part of the whole cosmos
  • you will emit joy and harmony to your environment
  • you will undergo a personal transformation

Benefits of meditation practise

All of you that have started following this series and have been reading it for weeks and doing your homework... Have you noticed anything happening to your body, mind and soul? Have you noticed any benefits already? Let me know in the comments, I would be happy to read them. Keep your smile on lovely people and meditate regularly.

And as always, here are some additional links that will help you learn even more:
Benefits of meditation
Art of living

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