Healthy2018: Stick With Steemit

I accidentally entered @goldendawne's #healthy2018 contest yesterday with a post about fermented milk. I want to actually enter this contest with a goal too!

another sunset from my deck, never gets old

My healthy 2018 goal is going to be to Stick with Steemit. I am very ambitious. I aspire to do so many things. My ongoing issue is that I start and I don't follow through.

I have so many ideas for things I want to do! But then my excitement fades and my interest fades with it. I've gone back to post-secondary only to stop after a month, I started a skincare product business that I haven't made an effort towards in about a year, started selling scobys and other starter cultures online but didn't keep up with that. I started journaling which lasted a couple days, learned a single song on the piano, I begin reading books, put them down, don't pick them back up. I take on sewing projects and leave them half done.

handmade organic skincare products anyone?

These are just a few examples of my ongoing "I have to do this now, no wait I have to do this now" mindset.

Writing all this makes me feel pretty horrible about myself! I sound like such a flake, haha.

my chickens will always be a passion of mine...

I don't want to go down the same road with Steemit. I want to stay here, I want to stick with this. I want to continue building friendships and relationships with people, be part of this awesome community. I don't want to let myself get distracted and turn to something else for a quick buzz of interest. I want to come here daily if I can, keep adding content that I feel is worthwhile, valuable, and helpful to others. I want to share my knowledge and help people find a better way of living. I want to share my stories, stories that people can relate to and that might help them feel a little less alone. I want to be a friend when someone needs one. I want to reflect on something someone has shared and make them feel appreciated for their effort. I want to grow my SP so that one day I can give somebody a fat upvote when they really deserve it.

and I'll never stop gardening...

I want to keep my passion for Steemit and share it with others! I already have a date set with someone that I've been encouraging to join Steemit, I'm going to sign them up and show them around, and hope they catch the feeling.

almost feels like this

That's my #healthy2018 goal in a nutshell. Sticking with Steemit and following through. It will be a big step in personal growth for me.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I hope you succeed in all of your #healthy2018 goals! And I hope you Stick with Steemit too.

banner by @soulturtle

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