#healthy2018 : Heart, Mind, Body & Soul & Pleading For A Steemit Group Effort

Matthew 22:37
The Greatest Commandment
…Jesus declared, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’


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Whenever we sign a birthday, holiday or anniversary card to each other, my husband and I will usually sign it with, I love you heart, mind, body and soul. So I am bringing this saying into the steemit realm and asking people to think.

Do you love yourself? I mean, really love yourself?

  • Do you love your current situation?
  • Do you love your physical appearance? Is it healthy?
  • Do you love your soul? Are you gentle?
  • Do you love where you are at career wise? Or financially?
  • Do you have goals you have long forgotten?
  • Do you feel bad every time you smoke a cigarette? Or any other vice and habit?
  • Do you think you can do more?
    And finally, what do you wish to and want to change about yourself?

NO- It's Not Necessarily A New Year's Resolution

We all have our faults. We all have certain things we don't like about ourselves.

I'll be the first to admit over the last five years, my husband and I have become creatures of habit. We work. We eat. We watch TV. We relax. We sleep.

We used to belong to a gym. We would exercise five days a week.
We used to care.. about ourselves.
So where did we go wrong?

We got L-A-Z-Y. And you know what that laziness got us?
It got my husband in BIG trouble with his health. After his most recent yearly physical, we found out he had higher than high cholesterol and it had to change. It had to change NOW!

I did a post yesterday about how changing our menu plan to more Mediterranean based meals and within the first nine days I dropped seven pounds. And you know what? That post really spoke to @cecirod1218, and then my mind started whirling. I decided this morning at 4:32AM, that I was going to make this a group effort. A STEEMIT group effort!

So I am asking all of you to help me, my husband and @cecirod1218. We want, and medically need, to lose weight and become healthier people. Can you do that? Can you keep us on our toes?

I want to start a new tag #healthy2018 and have EVERYONE out there encourage us. No, you don't have to lose weight. Or exercise. Unless you feel you need to for health reasons.

What I/we want from you is to share with us your struggles. What are you coping with that may be dragging you down? What is making you unhealthy right now? Or have you changed something in your life for the better? Share it with us.

Help us to see we can conquer this weight and health concern.

YES- It Can Be Mean So Many Different Topics For Different People

Weight & Healthier Lifestyle

  • Eat better
  • Read nutrition labels
  • Eat out less
  • Cut back on portions
  • Exercise more
  • Say no to sugar more often
  • Drink more water
  • Take care of your body more and better

Giving Up That Bad Habit

  • Stop smoking
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Stop spending money impulsively
  • Stop being pessimistic

Finding Your Place With God & Spiritually

  • Go to church more often
  • Pray more often
  • Ask for forgiveness
  • Forgive others
  • Be at peace
  • Mend that broken fence in a relationship

Becoming Better With Money


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  • Start a budget
  • Stick to that budget
  • Save for the proverbial rainy day
  • Don't impulse buy
  • Give to others
  • Donate money or time

So who's ready to help us? Who wants to write posts and share your #healthy2018 goals, outlook and concerns? This doesn't need to be one post for one day... let's carry it through ALL of 2018!

Join Link: https://discord.gg/VKCrWsS
Community Link: http://homesteaders-online.com

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