Welcome to Steemit Page - Banner and TOC Developed and Submitted

The selected banner image and a table of contents has been developed and submitted for the official "Welcome to Steemit" landing page!

Welcome to Steemit

@timcliff and I were tasked to create the welcome page as an onboarding solution for new users. For more information and context, see our blogs.

After some development, it is now live on the site. Then, we continued on the next set of changes.

@timcliff held a contest for a banner image to be created. The winner was announced at Welcome to Steemit Page Banner - Winner Selected!.


The welcome page will feature the selected banner image at the top of the page:

The Welcome text and slogan line is overlaid over the image, so it can be styled easily or feature translated versions in the future.

The table of contents follows:

Clicking on an item will jump to that part:

There are also links to jump back to the Table of Contents.


The code submission can be found on this GitHub pull request:

Add Banner and TOC to the "Welcome to Steemit" Page #1130


Everything still needs to be reviewed and approved by Steemit, Inc. before it will be put up on the live site. There is no guarantee that it will be approved, and we may have to go back and make changes before they will accept it.

Live Demo

While this is undergoing review, you can see a live demo of this new page on my test site!



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