Attacked by you own body

At the he end of this story I'm uploading 4 images of my friend please brace yourself because I cried like a baby when I saw them.


Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems, it damages the lungs, kidney, liver, your joints, your skin, your hair,

My steemian friends, followers, wicknesses, guilds groups, guilds it is with reason beyond despair that I call out to you all for dieing mans last chance for real help.
My friend name is R. Sterling earlier this year he was in the hospital for unknown reasons that the doctors couldn't figure out. No test at that time allowed him the results to understand what was happening to his already frail body. The story was that he was at work one day working and fell down from some dizziness that he had. He does jonitorial work by a airport facility. The next thing I know was that he was hospitalised for 2 to 3 weeks. When I went to look for him by the hospital he was very thin he looks much darker than usual with sorrow in his eyes, his fingers bent crooked and he just had this failing look and was a bit weak. We talk a bit has he explain that he thought he was feeling better and was waiting for some results for blood test he took earlier. At the time I brought a little money and food and some organic vitamins I bought for him. I was touched by this mans faith because even though he was I'll you could still see him smile and didn't want his friends to think negatively of his condition. I always called him my brother since we are friends for around 20 years.
Eventually he came out of the hospital and for a time I wanted to believe that he was recovering. Has months passes by seeing him weekly or 2 Wkly he looked more and more weaker has he tried to go to work and go about his day to day life still not fully knowing his type of sickness and the danger he was already undertaking. I get really worried especially because he just lived with his brother and doesn't have anyone to care for him the right way like a spouse would.
When you have a friend you gonna do all that it takes to try and keep him alive when he is down and low and doesn't even have the money to help himself half way through a week. Its been months now and things has gotten so bad with my friend that he stop working and can't even pay his bills has he was pronounced with lupus which is one horrible and nasty disease where you body start prononcing an attacked on its own organs damaging major organs. We are of the same age (35) and I am so afraid to say my friend is like in his 60s or even older as he can't walk and do regular stuff he daily. His already thin body has gotten even thinner, he can barely walk, things has gotten so horrible my brother bought him a tin of iris moss and he couldn't even pull the lid. His joins especially in his fingers, knees are swollen and they can't move much or grip anything tightly for that matters. His face has change greatly has the skin starts to have a dead look making his complexion darker than usual. His entire demeanour has taken a curve.

I have never seen sterling so sick in all his life and to make matters worse he has reach the stage he can no longer work and get an income for himself. As I'm writing my eyes are filled with tears to know we grew up together and to see him looking like he may be leaving so early is the worst possible feeling I had ever had for a friend I can't even help to assist with his medical bills. I am still praying for him but faith without works is dead.
I am a person who is not easily depressed over nothing but this one got me and it gets me good.

Please I'm asking you with all my heart for your prayers from all around the world to help with even a SMALL DONATION for my friend who is not able to do much right now. I know I'm in the best community of help and I'm asking from the bottom of my heart because every dollar from this post will be used to help him with his medical bills, and other finances.

At this time I just get off the phone with him crying out for help because he can't lift anything anymore because he is weak. PLEASE HELP ME HELP THIS BROTHER BY UPVOTING THIA POST.CTD2562017175114.jpg

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