ADVICE FROM PAPA - VIDEO 16 - Tips For Newer Users on Steemit

What about sharing "non-original" content?

There seems to be a lot of this going around sometimes, which is fine, and completely permissible, if it is done correctly. Since steemit is a site that can actually pay you, it is best not to solely share videos or text from elsewhere on the web. That content already exists and has already been created by someone else. If you feel like sharing it here, I strongly recommend including a few paragraphs about why you are sharing it or what it means to you. That way, you have added some value to the non-original content that you are sharing.

If you want to share news stories or text from elsewhere on the web, it is important to always cite the sources and make sure not to give the impression that the work is yours. You do not want to be seen as a potential plagiarizer. Again, it is always best to add something original to it too. Share some of your own thoughts or insights. Why are you quoting the source? Why are you sharing it?

EDIT- Also, make sure not to copy and paste entire news articles either. You can share from other sources, but let us know that it what you are doing and I'd recommend adding some of your own thoughts on the matter too.


Hopefully this video provides some additional food for thought for some of you. I have seen multiple users "get in trouble" with non-original content before, and I'd hate for it to happen to any of you.

I'll try to keep these videos "bite-sized" and easy to digest. I like to make them small enough to fit into your schedule easily and helpful enough that I'm not wasting your time. Hopefully, that is the case.

Until next time…

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